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Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin

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  Asian Biotechnology and Development Review

Zeitschrift frei zugänglich: Jg. 4, H. 3 (2001) -  
Allgemeine Angaben zur Online-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift:
Verlag:Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS)
Open Access Policy des Verlages in SHERPA/RoMEO suchen
Fachgruppe(n):Biologie, Biotechnologie
erste Volltextausgabe:Jg. 4, H. 3 (2001)
Erscheinungsweise:Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Bemerkung:The Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ABDR) aims at generating wider awareness of the issues involved and emerging developments in the area of biotechnology. It hopes to serve as a forum of debate and dissemination of information on issues such as developmental potential of biotechnology, and the possibilities of South-South cooperation in this area. The views expressed in the ABDR are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the RIS or the organisations they belong to.
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