Elektronische Zeitschriften

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin

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  DMG Magazin : Berichte aus der weltweiten Mission (Formerly: DMG informiert)  
  Doctrinal Preacher (via EBSCO Host)  
  Documentary History of the American Bible Union: Comnsisting of the Reprint of Its Constitution, Annual Reports, Quarterly Papers, Select Addresses, Tracts, etc. etc., in the Form of the Bible Union Quarterly (via EBSCO Host)  
  Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 : DNK (2019-)  
  Documents on the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Movements  
  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi  
  Domestic Missionary, The (via EBSCO Host)  
  Domestic Psalmody, or, A Collection of Sacred Music Adapted to the Purposes of Family & Public Worship: Arranged for One, Two, Three & Four Voices (via EBSCO Host)  
  Doopsgezinde Bijdragen  
  Dorpater Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche  
  Downfall of Babylon (via EBSCO Host)  
  Downfall of Babylon, or, The Triumph of Truth Over Popery (via EBSCO Host)  
  Downside Review, The  
  DuB : Materialien zu Dialog und Bildung  
  Dublin Review: A Quarterly and Critical Journal (via BPC)  
  Dunántúli Harangszó: A Dunántúli Evangélikusok Lapja  
  Dunera News: A Publication for former Refugees from Nazi and Fascist persecution (mistakenly shipped to and interned in Australia at Hay and Tatura, many later serving with the Allied Forces), their Relatives and their Friends