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Pace Environmental Law Review
Pace Environmental Law Review |
Pace International Law Review |
Pace Law Review |
Paix et Sécurité Internationales: Revue Maroco-Espagnole de Droit Internationale et Relations Internationales |
Palestra / Pismo Adwokatury Polskiej |
Panoptica: Revista Eletrônica Acadêmica de Direito |
Panorama of Brazilian Law |
Paragraf na Drodze: Prawne i Kryminalistyczne Problemy ruchu Drogowego |
Paraná Eleitoral |
Partnerschaftsgewalt : kriminalstatistische Auswertung ; Berichtsjahr ... |
+pat+ (Formerly: Schweizerisches Patent-, Muster- und Markenblatt / 2, Erfindungspatente) |
Patent Abstracts of Bulgaria |
Patent Right Gazette (via EBSCO Host) |
Patenti un Precu Zimes = Official Gazette |
Patents & Designs Journal, The |
Patriotische Juriste, welcher seine vernünfftige Gedancken uber einige Lehr-Sätze aus den Jure naturali, gentium, publico, civili canonico et feudali eröffnet, Der |
Pattimura Law Journal |
Pázmány Law Review |
Paūhihā-i fiqhī = Islamic Jurisprudence Research |
PCT Gazette |
PCT Newsletter |
Peace Human Rights Governance |
Peking University Law Journal |
Penal Issues |
Penalmente Relevant |
Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs |
Penn State Law Review |
Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline & Philanthropy (via EBSCO Host) |
Pennsylvania Law Journal (via EBSCO Host) |
Pensamiento Americano |
Pensamiento Constitucional |
Pensamiento Jurídico |
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs |
Persona y Derecho : Revista de Fundamentación de las Instituciones Jurídicas (via PAO) |
Perspectivas Bioéticas |
Perspectives of Business Law Journal |
Perspectives of Law and Public Administration |
Perspectives : Teaching Legal Research and Writing |
Perspectives // United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
Philadelphia Underwriter, The (via EBSCO Host) |
Philosophy & Canon Law |
Pink Report ...: Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law and Policy |
Pittsburgh Legal Journal (via EBSCO Host) |
Plagiary |
Plassey Law Review |
Población y Desarrollo: Argonautas y Caminantes |
Podium Notarial |
Pößnecker Stadtanzeiger: mit Amtsblatt der Stadt Pößneck |
Pólemos: journal of law, literature and culture |