by subject
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Latvija: Pārskats par Tautas Attīstību / Latvia = Human Development Report
Latvija: Pārskats par Tautas Attīstību / Latvia = Human Development Report |
Latvijas Arējā un Droības Politika |
Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta zinotajs |
Lautstark: Dein Mitgliedermagazin |
Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe |
Law and Ethics of Human Rights |
Law and Politics Book Review |
Law, Democracy & Development |
Law & Policy |
LBJ Journal of Public Affairs |
Least Developed Countries Report, The |
Leben in Potsdam |
Legislative Studies Quarterly (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Legislative Studies Quarterly (aktuelle Jahrgänge) |
Leitfaden Soziales Europa / Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration |
Leonard Meister über den Gang der politischen Bewegungen in der Schweiz |
Leterz ,Moral, Political & Theological (via EBSCO Host) |
Leterz ,Political & Theological (via EBSCO Host) |
Lettera Internazionale : Rivista Trimestrale Europea |
Lettland: Gewerkschaftsmonitor |
Lettre de la Citoyenneté, La |
Lettre de Politique Autrement |
Lettre, La // Fondation Robert Schuman |
Levantine Review, The |
Liberal: Das Magazin für die Freiheit |
Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin |
Liberal Extracts (via EBSCO Host) |
Liberale Impulse |
Liberation: A Journal of Democratic Discussion |
Liberian Studies Journal |
Libertas / Centre International de Droits de la Personne et du Développement Démocratique |
Libertas / International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development |
Liberté, La |
Liberty Tree: A Monthly Publication Devoted to the Antislavery Cause (via EBSCO Host) |
Librevista |
Libros, Los: Una Política en la Cultura |
Lien Social et Politiques |
Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo ... sesija. Stenogramos |
Lights / Middle Eastern Studies Students Association |
Lignes Directrices du CAD |
Lignes Directrices et Ouvrages de Référence du CAD |
LIMES : Cultural Regionalistics (2008-2011) |
Limits in the Seas |
Línea sur |
Lines |
Link, The |
Links : International Journal of Socialist Renewal |
Links : Mitgliederzeitung der SP Schweiz |
Linksfraktion |
Listy: Dvoumesícník pro Politickou Kulturu a Obcanský Dialog |