by subject
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Bonn Oriental and Asian Studies Insights (BOAS insights)
Bonn Oriental and Asian Studies Insights (BOAS insights) |
Borderlands (2019 -) |
Borderlands E-Journal (via JSTOR) |
Borderlands e-Journal (2002 - 2019) |
Borderlands Journal (via JSTOR) |
Bordes: Revista de Estudios Culturales |
Borneo Research Bulletin |
Boston College Third World Law Journal |
Boykott Magazin: das Magazin für die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Männlichkeiten aus (pro)feministischen Perspektiven |
bpa-Magazin |
Brandenburger Sozialindikatoren ... |
BRaS Blog |
Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies |
Brazilian Journal of Research in Applied Social Sciences : BJRASS |
Brennpunkt Lateinamerika |
Brésil(s): Sciences Humaines et Sociales |
Bridging Humanities |
Briefing Paper / German Development Institute, GDI |
Britain-Nepal Society Journal |
British Academy Review / British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences |
British Journal of Delinquency, The (via JSTOR) |
British Journal of Industrial Relations (BJIR) |
British Journal of Law and Society, The (via JSTOR) |
British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, The (via JSTOR) |
British Journal of Social Work, The |
British Journal of Sociology of Education |
British Journal of Sociology of Education (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
British Journal of Sociology, The (1950 - 1998) (via JSTOR) |
British Journal of Sociology, The (1999-) |
British Social Attitudes |
Broadside |
Broadway Neukölln |
Brolly: Journal of Social Sciences |
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs (via JSTOR) |
Brückenbauer |
Brückenschlag / KISS : das Erfurter Selbsthilfemagazin |
Brussels Studies |
BSU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIJHSS) |
Budget / Armendeputatin zu Köln |
Budget / Armenverwaltung zu Köln |
Buenaval |
Bürgerin, Die |
Bürgerumfrage Augsburg |
Bürgerumfrage Halle |
Buku Tahunan Perangkaan, Malaysia = Statistics Yearbook Malaysia |
Buletin Perangkaan Sosial = Social Statistics Bulletin |
Buletin Statistikor Tremujor = Quarterly Statistical Bulletin |
Buletinul Științific al Universității de Stat B. P. Hasdeu din Cahul. Științe sociale = Scientific Journal of Cahul State University B. P. Hasdeu. Social Sciences, The |
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch (2003 - 2004) |
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch (2009 - 2013) |