by subject
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LÉmilie : Magazine Socio-Culturelles
LÉmilie : Magazine Socio-Culturelles |
Labirint : Zurnal Socialno-Gumanitarnych Issledovanij |
Labor Force |
Labor Force Survey / National Statistical Office, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, The / Whole Kingdom |
Labor History |
Labor Situation in Japan and Its Analysis |
Labor Trends |
Laboratoire italien |
Laboratorium : Russian Review of Social Research |
Labour and Management in Development Journal |
Labour & Development |
... Labour Force and Child Labour Survey |
Labour Force Survey Report |
Labour Force Survey ... / Seychelles : National Bureau of Statistics |
Labour Force Survey / Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency |
Labour Force Surveys Quarterly |
Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe : Annual Review |
Labour Market Update |
Labour Overview |
Labour = Travail, Le (älter als die aktuellen 2 Ausgaben) |
Lagemaß : messen, denken, forschen, gestalten / Institut für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaft |
Landesjugendförderplan ... bis ... |
Landesjugendplan |
Landscapes of Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal devoted to the Study of Violence, Conflict, and Trauma |
Langage et Société (-1999) |
Langage et Société (2000 bis älter als die aktuellen 4 Jahrgänge) |
Language and Speech |
Language, Culture and Society |
Language in Society |
Laporan Penyiasatan Industri Pembinaan = Report on Survey of Construction Industries |
Laporan Penyiasatan Industri Pembuatan = Report on Survey of Manufacturing Industries |
Laporan Penyiasatan Migrasi = Migration Survey Report |
Laporan Penyiasatan Tenaga Buruh = Labour Force Survey Report |
Laporan Survei Migrasi = Migration Survey Report |
Laporan Survei Tenaga Buruh = Labour Force Survey Report |
LARNet: The Cyber Journal of Applied Leisure and Recreation Research |
Latchkey , The: Journal of New Woman Studies |
Lateral : A Journal of Textual and Cultural Studies |
Latin American Essays |
Latin American Perspectives |
Latin American Perspectives (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Latin American Politics and Society |
Latin American Politics and Society (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Latitud Sur |
Latitude / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, Universidade Federal de Alagoas |
Latvija: Pārskats par Tautas Attīstību / Latvia = Human Development Report |
Lavboratorio |
Law, Society & Organisations |
Law, Technology and Humans |
LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland |