by subject
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Colonial, O: Defensor dos Interesses das Províncias Ultramarinas
Colonial, O: Defensor dos Interesses das Províncias Ultramarinas |
Colonial Observer, The or Weekly Journal of Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Literature, Science and Religion for the Colony of New South Wales |
Colonial Register, and West India Journal (via GALE) |
Colonization Circular |
Colonizationist & Journal of Freedom (via EBSCO Host) |
Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1976-2004) |
Coloquios de Historia Canario-Americana (1976-2006) |
Columns |
Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ältere Jahrgänge) |
Commentationes Historiae Ivris Helveticae |
Common Ground |
Common-Place : a Common Place, an Uncommon Voice |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung (Nicht die akt. 36 Mon.) |
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin (COMSt Bulletin) |
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter |
Comparative Studies in Society and History |
Comparative Studies in Society and History (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Compte Rendu des Travaux de la Commission des Monuments et Documents Historiques et des Bâtiments Civils du Département de la Gironde |
Compte Rendu du Ministère des Apanages pour l'Année |
Concilium medii aevi : CMA ; Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit |
Confederation Nationale du 14 Juillet 1790 ou Description Fidelle de Tout ce qui a Precede Accompagne Suivi cette Auguste Ceremonie |
Confraternitas (älter als 3 Jahre) |
Congress Resister |
Connexe: Les Espaces Postcommunistes en Question(s) (älter als die aktuelle Ausgabe) |
Conservateur Décadaire des Principes Républicains et de la Morale Politique, Le |
Conservateur, Le : Revue de Droit International |
Constellations : History and Classics undergraduate student journal |
Constitution and By-Laws, New York State Historical Association, with Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting (via JSTOR) |
Constructing the Past |
Contemporanea : Rivista di Storia dell'800 e del '900 |
Contemporary British History |
Contemporary Church History Quarterly |
Contemporary European History |
Contemporary European History (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Contemporary Journal of African Studies |
Contemporary Pacific, The |
Contesti: Città, Territori, pProgetti |
Context : Casopis za Interdisciplinarne Studije : Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Context : The Journal for History & Archaeology Postgraduate Students at the University of Chester |
Continental Monthly: Devoted to Literature and National Policy |
Continuatio ... der zehenjährigen historischen Relation |
Continuity and Change |
Contra-Fascismo |
Contraponto |
Contrastes : Revista de Historia Moderna |
Contrebis: A Bulletin of Archaeology and local History for Lancashire and the North West |
Contributions to Nepalese Studies |
Contributions to the History of Concepts |
Coolabah |
Copernicus : Czasy Nowożytne i Współczesne : Modern and Contemporary Times |