by subject
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Scientia Militaria : South African Journal of Military Studies
Scientia Militaria : South African Journal of Military Studies |
Scientia. Rivista della Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza |
Scienza e Politica (1989-) |
Scienza e Politica (1999-2010) |
Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries, The (via JSTOR) |
Scottish Historical Review, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Scottish Review: A Quarterly Journal of Social Progress and General Literature (via BPC) |
Scottish Review, The (via PAO) |
Scribe, The: Journal of Babylonian Jewry |
Scrinia Slavonica |
Scripta : An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography |
Scripta and e-Scripta |
Scripta Mediaevalia |
Scripta Nova: Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales |
Scriptores |
Scriptorium : Revue Internationale des Études Relatives aux Manuscrits Médiévaux |
Scrutateur des Décrets et le Rédacteur des Cahiers de la Seconde Législature |
Sea History - The Art, Literature, Adventures, Lore and Learning of the Sea |
Séance Publique de la Société d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Agen |
Sechaba: Official Organ of the African National Congress South Africa |
Securitas Imperii |
Sefarad : Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes |
Sefarad : Revista del Instituto Arias Montano de Estudios Hebraicos y Oriente Proximo (via PAO) |
Sefer Yuḥasin : Review for the History of the Jews in South Italy |
Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East = Sefunot : meḥḳarim u-meḳorot le-toldot ḳehilot Yiśraʾel ba-mizraḥ (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Segrel |
Sehepunkte |
Seizième Siècle (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Selbst-Emancipation: Zeitschrift für die nationalen, socialen und politischen Interessen des jüdischen Stammes |
Senienc, Lo: Memòria, Natura i Llengua |
Senjski Zbornik: prilozi za geografiju, etnologiju, gospodarstvo, povijest i kulturu = The Anthology of Senj: Contributions to geography, ethnology, economy, history and culture |
Sensus Historiae |
Sentinel, The |
Sephardic Horizons |
Series of the Collections for Research into Sudeten German Minority |
Settler Colonial Studies |
Settler Colonial Studies (2011 - 2012) |
Seventeenth Century News (2002 - ) |
Seventeenth Century, The |
Seventeenth Century, The (via PAO) |
SFEDS bulletin / Société Française d'Etude du XVIIIe Siècle |
Shakai-keizai-shigaku / Socio-Economic History |
Shanghai Jewish Chronicle |
Sharq Al-Andalus |
Sharsheret Hadorot: The Israel Genealogical Society Journal |
Shigaku-zasshi / Historical Studies in Japan |
Shikan: The Historical Review |
Shofar : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies |
Sibirskaja Zaimka |
Sibirskie Istoričeskie Issledovanija = Siberian Historical Research |