by subject
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Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu = Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu = Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics |
Pracja Ukraïny u ... roci |
Präsenz: Magazin des Departement Wirtschaft |
Präventionsbericht der SVLFG |
Prague Economic and Social History Papers |
Prague Economic Papers |
Praktični Menadment. Stručni časopis za Teoriju i Praksu Menadmenta / Practical Management, Journal of Management in Theory and Practice |
Pravo, Politika, Administracija = Law, Politics, Administration |
Praxis: Journal of Gender & Cultural Critiques (formerly: Phoebe: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Feminist Scholarship, Theory and Aesthetics) |
Pre-Accession Economic Programmes of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey |
Precios al por Menor, Indice de Precios Simples y de Promedios Relativos |
Precious Metals Forecast Survey / London Bullion Market Association, The |
PREDICT ... Country Factsheets: EU Member States - Benchmarking with non-EU Countries |
PREDICT ... Country Factsheets: EU Member States - Data in Current Prices |
PREDICT ... Country Factsheets: EU Member States - Purchasing Power Standard |
PREDICT Key Facts Report, The ... |
Preis Soziale Marktwirtschaft / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. |
Preise, Löhne, Wirtschaftsrechnungen / Reihe 13 / 1 j: Der Verbrauch in Arbeitnehmerhaushalten |
Preise, Löhne, Wirtschaftsrechnungen / Reihe 13 / Teil 2: Verbrauch in Haushalten von Renten- und Fürsorgeempfängern |
Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean |
Premiums: For the Sessions ...(via GALE) |
Press Releases / Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC |
Pressemitteilung / Bundesnetzagentur |
Pressemitteilung des Thüringer Rechnungshofs zum Jahresbericht ... mit Bemerkungen zur Haushalts- und Wirtschaftsführung und zur Haushaltsrechnung ... und zum Jahresbericht ... der Überörtlichen Kommunalprüfung / Thüringer Rechnungshof |
Pressemitteilungen des BVI (Formerly Investement-Information) |
Presseseminare der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund |
Prestations et Salaires |
Prestige International Journal of Management & IT : Sanchayan |
Presupuesto y Gasto Público |
PRI Quarterly Policy Briefs on Bangladesh Economy |
Price Stability Report |
Price Stability Report |
Prices and Price Indices Annual Bulletin |
Prices of coals at the London Market (via GALE) |
Pricing Strategy and Practice |
Prieskum o Vyuzívaní Informacných a Komunikacných Technológií v Domácnostiach za 1. stvrtrok ... = Survey on Usage of Information and Communcations Technology in Households in 1st quarter ... |
Příjmy a ivotní Podmínky Domácností ... = Household Income and Living Conditions ... |
Príjmy, Výdavky a Spotreba Súkromných Domácností SR = Income, Expenditures and Consumption of Private Households in the Slovak Republic |
Príjmy, Výdavky Súkromných Domácností SR za rok ... Príjmy |
Prikladnaja Ékonometrika = Applied Econometrics / Moskovskij Finansovo-Promylennyj Universitet "Sinergija" |
Principaux Indicateurs de la Science et de la Technologie / OECD |
Principaux Indicateurs Économiques |
Principes de l'OCDE applicables en Matière de Prix de Transfert à l'Intention des Entreprises Multinationales et des Administrations Fiscales |
Princípios : Estudios de Economía Política |
Prirodno Dvienje na Naselenieto = Natural Population Change |
Prisma social |
Private Investors Newsletter |
Private Krankenversicherung, Die / Rechenschaftsbericht |
Private Pensions Series |
Private Sector Development in the Middle East and North Africa |