by subject
by title
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Wavelet Digest |
Web Journal of Formal, Computational & Cognitive Linguistics (FCCL) |
Web Semantics : Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web |
Website Boosting : Seo, Sea, E-Commerce, Usability, Szene, Tipps & Tools |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs). Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Wired |
Wireless Networks |
Wireless Power Transfer (-2020) |
Wireless Power Transfer (2021-) |
Wireless Sensor Network |
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Management (WuM) |
Working Papers / Department of Information System 1, University of Mannheim |
World Academy of Informatics and Management Sciences |
World Applied Programming |
World Journal of Computer Application and Technology |
World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) |
World Wide Web |
WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research |
WSEAS Transactions on Computers |
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications |
WSEAS Transactions on Systems |
Wuhan-Daxue-xuebao = Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University |
Wuxian-Tongxin = Hans Journal of Wireless Communications (HJWC) |
XRDS : Crossroads, the ACM Magazine for Students (1994-2000) |
Zarządzanie i Technologie Informacyjne |
Zeszyty Naukowe / Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki |
Zhineng-dianwang = Smart Grid (SG) |
Zpravodaj Ceskoslovenskeho Sdruzeni Uzivatelu TeXu |
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU |
urnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: Matematika, Informatika (Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics) |