by subject
by title
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Advances in Meteorology
Advances in Meteorology |
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology (AIOL) |
Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development |
Advances in Polar Science (via CAJ) |
Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research |
Advances in Remote Sensing (ARS) |
Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ASCMO) |
Advances in Water Resources |
Advances in x-ray Analysis |
AERC Newsletter |
African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences (AJLP & GS) |
Afzettingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie |
AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering |
AGU Advances |
Agua y Territorio = Water and Landscape |
Águas Subterrâneas |
AIG Journal: Applied Geoscientific Research and Practice in Australia |
AIMS Geosciences |
Alaska's Mineral Industry |
Albertiana |
Alcheringa : an Australasian Journal of Palaeontology |
All Earth |
Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition Report |
Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions |
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary (AMQ) |
Alt und Neues Allmanach oder Jahr-Buch/ ... Benebenst dem Römischen und einen besondern Hauß-Gesundheits-Kunst- und Historien-Calender/ Auf- und Untergang der Sonnen und Planeten/ Tag- und Nachtlänge/ Naturmässigen Erwehlungen und angehängten Practica ... |
Alte Römische und Newe Allmanach unnd SchreibeCalender/ ... : Nechst Göttlicher Allmacht/ Auß rechter Eigenschafft uff alle Monat/ mit den Ingressionibus, Solis, Lunae, und andern Planeten/ Sowohl Capitis atq; Caudae Draconis. Dann die Aspecten ... |
Ambient Science |
Ameghiniana: Revista de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina |
American Journal of Geographic Information System |
American Journal of Geoscience |
American Journal of Marine Science |
American Journal of Science (AJS) |
American Journal of Science (AJS) (1880 - 1920) |
American Journal of Science (AJS) : Special Volumes & Issues |
American Journal of Science and Arts (1820-1879) |
American Journal of Science, & c, The (....more especially of Mineralogy, Geology, and the other Branches of Natural History, including also Agriculture and the Ornamental as well as useful Arts) |
American Mineralogical Journal , The (via EBSCO Host) |
American Mineralogist (1916-1999) |
American Museum of Literature & the Arts (via EBSCO Host) |
Amtsblatt für das Eichwesen |
Amtsblatt für das Vermessungswesen |
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi = Scientific annals of Al. I. Cuza University of Iaşi |
Anales del Instituto Geológico de México |
Ancient TL |
Andean Geology |
Annalen der Meteorologie |
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien / A, Mineralogie, Petrologie, Geologie, Paläontologie, Archäozoologie, Anthropologie, Prähistorie |
Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique |
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord (1870-2020) |