by subject
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O+P : Fluidtechnik für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (aktuelle Ausgabe) |
Österreichisches Montan-Handbuch |
Offshore Safety Report / OTH |
Offshore Safety Report / OTO |
OIML bulletin |
On Station: The Newsletter of the Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity |
Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, The |
Open Ceramics |
Open Corrosion Journal, The |
Open Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Journal, The |
Open Journal of Composite Materials (OJCM) |
Open Journal of Inorganic Non-metallic Materials (OJINM) |
Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
Open Journal of Metal (OJMetal) |
Open Journal of Organic Polymer Materials (OJOPM) |
Open Materials Science Journal, The |
Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, The |
Open Mechanics Journal, The |
Open Mineral Processing Journal, The |
Open Surface Science Journal, The |
Open Textile Journal, The |
Open Transport Phenomena Journal, The |
Optical Fiber Technology : Materials, Devices, and Systems |
Optical Materials |
Optical Materials: X |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
Organic Materials |
Osservatorio sulla componentistica automotive italiana e sui servizi per la mobilità ... |
Otto-Graf-Journal : Annual Journal on Research and Testing of Materials |
Oxford Open Materials Science |