Prof. Dr. Gale Raj-Reichert
Gale Raj-Reichert ist PI des DFG-geförderten Projekts „Globale Produktion nach Covid-19: Bewertung der geografischen Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen und Branchen in globalen Produktionsnetzen (Covid19-GPNs)“
Hier geht's zum Projekt.
Seit 2021 Gastwissenschaftlerin in der Gruppe „Globalisierung, Arbeit und Produktion“. PI und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Global production post Covid-19: Assessing the geographical restructuring of firms and industries in global production networks“
2019 - 2021 Research Fellow und PI im DFG-Projekt „Labour governance in global production networks: Assessing labour standards in a new generation of public procurement legislation and trade agreements linked to market access into the European Union“
Since 2017 Lecturer in Economic Geography, School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London
2014 - 2016 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Fellow, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
2013 Lecturer in International Development, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
2011 - 2012 Lecturer in Globalisation and Development, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
2012 PhD, University of Manchester, Global Development Institute
Since 2020, Editor, Competition & Change
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Raj-Reichert, G, Staritz, C, and Plank, L (2022) ‘The regulator-buyer state in the European Union: socially responsible public procurement in global production networks’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 6, No.3: 759-782.
Marlsev, K, Staritz, C, and Raj-Reichert, G (2022) ‘Rethinking Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Worker Power, State‒Labour Relations and Intersectionality’, Development and Change, Vol. 53, No. 4: 827-859.
Marslev, Kristoffer/Staritz, Cornelia/Raj-Reichert, Gale/Plank, Leonhard (2021): "Soziales Upgrading und Beschäftigtenmacht in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten". In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 74, H. 1, Themenheft "Ökonomisches und soziales Upgrading in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten", herausgegeben von Hansjörg Herr/Christina Teipen/Petra Dünhaupt/Fabian Mehl, S. 3-11.
Gräf, Helena/Raj-Reichert, Gale (2020): "Bessere Arbeitsbedingungen weltweit. Das neue Berliner Vergaberecht stärkt soziale Verantwortung für Lieferketten". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 168, S. 95-97.
Raj-Reichert, G., Helmerich, N., and Zajak, S. (forthcoming) Introduction to Special Issue on Digitalisation, Labour and Global Production, Competition and Change.
Helmerich, Nicole, Raj-Reichert, Gale, Zajak, Sabrina (2020) 'Exercising associational and networked power through the use of digital technology by workers in global value chains', Competition and Change, DOI:
Raj-Reichert, G (2019) 'The powers of a social auditor in a global production network: the case of Verité and the exposure of forced labour in the electronics industry', Journal of Economic Geography, DOI:10.1093/jeg/lbz030
Ponte, S, Gereffi, G, and Raj-Reichert, G (2019) Handbook on Global Value Chains, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Raj-Reichert, G (2019) ‘Transnational first-tier suppliers in global value chains’, in Ponte, S, Gereffi, G, and Raj-Reichert, G (eds) Handbook on Global Value Chains, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Raj-Reichert, G (2019) ‘Global Value Chains, Contract Manufacturers, and the Middle-Income Trap: The electronics industry in Malaysia’, Journal of Development Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2019.1595599
Raj-Reichert, G (2018) ‘The Changing Landscape of Contract Manufacturing in the Electronics Industry Global Value Chain’, in Nathan, D. (eds) Upgrading and Innovation in Global Value Chains in Asia, Cambridge University Press.
Raj-Reichert, G (2017) ‘Public and private governance gaps in occupational health and safety: a case study of the electronics industry in Penang, Malaysia’, in Sustainability Politics and Limited Statehood: Contesting New Modes of Governance, (eds) Alejandro Esguerra, Nicole Helmerich, and Thomas Risse, Palgrave Macmillan.
Raj-Reichert, G (2016) ‘Exposing forced labour in Malaysian electronics: the role of a social auditor in labour governance within a global production network’. GDI Working Paper 2016-005. Manchester: The University of Manchester.
Raj-Reichert, G (2016) STUDY 4: Promoting decent work in the electronics industry global supply chain, in Sectoral Studies on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains: Comparative Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges for Social and Economic Upgrading, International Labour Office, Geneva.
Nadvi, K, and Raj-Reichert, G (2015) ‘Governing health and safety at lower tiers of the computer industry global value chain’, Regulation & Governance, Vol. 9, no. 3: 243-258.
Raj-Reichert, G (2015) ‘Exercising power over labour governance in the electronics industry’, Geoforum, Vol. 67: 89-92.
Raj-Reichert, G (2013) ‘Safeguarding labour in relocated factories: Health and safety governance in an electronics global production network’, Geoforum, Vol. 44: 23-31.
Raj-Reichert, G (2011) ‘The Electronic Industry Code of Conduct: Private governance in a competitive and contested global production network’, Competition & Change, Vol. 15, no.3: 221-238.