Electronic Journals

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin

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  Journal of Social Change and Critical Inquiry

Zeitschrift frei zugänglich: , H. 1 (1999) - , H. 2 (2000) 
Allgemeine Angaben zur Online-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift:
Verlag:University of Wollongong, Institute of Social Change and Critical Inquiry
Open Access Policy des Verlages in SHERPA/RoMEO suchen
Fachgruppe(n):Politologie; Soziologie
Schlagwort(e):Globalisierung, Sozialpolitik
erste Volltextausgabe:, H. 1 (1999)
letzte Volltextausgabe:, H. 2 (2000)
Erscheinungsweise:Volltext, nur online
Bemerkung:The journal is committed to research in the Humanities and Social Sciences concerned with the social, cultural and political causes and effects of globalisation, economic restructuring and social change. It focuses on multidisciplinary approaches in various sites of social transformation. It is particularly concerned to explore processes of social disadvantage and strategies for empowerment. In particular, JoSCCI is concerned with presenting ways of achieving social justice and the fuller participation of previously excluded groups- locally, nationally and internationally.
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