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Social Science Research Center Berlin

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  Fosatu Worker News

Journal freely available: (1979) - (1985) 
General information on the online edition:
Publisher:Federation of South African Trade Unions
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Subject(s):History; Political Science
Keyword(s):Landesgeschichte Südafrika, Apartheidpolitik Südafrika
Fulltext online since: (1979)
Fulltext online until: (1985)
Type of appearance:Fulltext, online and print
Pricetype:free of charge
Annotation:Fosatu Worker News was first published in 1979 with the formation of the Federation of South African Trade Unions and was distributed amongst all union members with the aim of uniting workers in the struggle for fair and equitable labour practice in South Africa. Articles included the growth of trade unionism representing the strength of workers united in their determination to obtain better wages, shorter working hours and basic worker rights. Boycotts and strikes to protest against unfair dismissals, retrenchments and worker harassment were covered in detail in an effort to keep workers informed and to encourage solidarity. Fosatu Worker News was preceded by Isisebenzi. Fosatu Worker News ceased publication in 1985.
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