Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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Africa's Development Dynamics
Journal freely available: | Vol. 1 (2018) - |
General information on the online edition:

Publisher: | OECD Publishing search publisher's open access policy in SHERPA/RoMEO |
Subject(s): | Business and Economics |
Keyword(s): | Wirtschaftsbericht Afrika |
ZDB-Number: | 2956976-X |
Fulltext online since: | Vol. 1 (2018) |
Homepage(s): | https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/search?value1=africa%27s+development+dynamics&option1=quicksearch&facetOptions=51&facetNames=pub_igoId_facet&operator51=AND&option51=pub_igoId_facet&value51=%27igo%2Foecd%27&publisherId=%2Fcontent%2Figo%2Foecd&searchType=quic |
Type of appearance: | Fulltext, online and print |
Pricetype: | free of charge |