nach Fächern
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International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, The (Int.J.LCA)
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, The (Int.J.LCA) |
International Journal of Logistics Management, The |
International Journal of Logistics - Research and Applications |
International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics (IJMAE) |
International Journal of Management and Applied Research |
International Journal of Management and Business Research |
International Journal of Management and Business Studies |
International Journal of Management and Business Studies |
International Journal of Management and Economics |
International Journal of Management and Marketing Research |
International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies |
International Journal of Management and Sustainability |
International Journal of Management Cases |
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences |
International Journal of Management Education, The |
International Journal of Management Excellence |
International Journal of Management & Information Systems |
International Journal of Management Innovation Systems |
International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) |
International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences |
International Journal of Management Research and Review |
International Journal of Management Reviews |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management |
International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology , The |
International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Administration |
International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) |
International Journal of Management Studies |
International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research |
International Journal of Management, The |
International Journal of Managerial Finance |
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains |
International Journal of Manpower |
International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (2011 - 2021) |
International Journal of Manufacturing System |
International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) |
International Journal of Marketing and Technology |
International Journal of Marketing Studies |
International Journal of Mathematics for Industry |
International Journal of Microsimulation, The |
International Journal of Modern Management and Foresight (IJMMF) |
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences (IJONESS) |
International Journal of New Political Economy |
International Journal of Online Marketing (2011 - 2021) |
International Journal of Online Marketing (2022-) |
International Journal of Operations and Production Management |
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management |
International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (2010 - 2019) |
International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (2020-) |
International Journal of Organisational Behaviour |