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T¯oky¯o-Kaiy¯o-Daigaku-kenky¯u-h¯okoku / Journal of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
T¯oky¯o-Kaiy¯o-Daigaku-kenky¯u-h¯okoku / Journal of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology |
Tätigkeitsbericht des Landesamtes für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt |
Taisekigaku kenkyū = Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan |
Taisekigaku kenkyū kaihō = Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan |
Taisekigaku renraku kaihō = Newsletter of Japanese Association of Sedimentologists |
Taschenbuch für die gesammte Mineralogie mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Entdeckungen: für das Jahr ... |
Technical Memorandum / European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts |
Technical Note / Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) |
Technical Report / Danish Meteorological Institute |
Technical Report / Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick |
Technical Report / European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts |
Techniques of Water-Resource Investigation / U.S. Geological Survey |
Technischer Bericht / NAGRA, Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung Radioaktiver Abfälle |
Tectonics |
Tectonics (1997 - älter als 24 Monate) |
Tectonophysics |
Tellus |
Tellus - Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography (1983-2021) |
Tellus - Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography (2022-) |
Tellus - Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology (2022-) |
Terra, A : Revista Portuguesa de Geofisica |
Terra Antartica |
TERRA Latinoamericana |
Terra Nova |
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO) (1990-2021) |
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO) (2022-) |
Territorium |
Tethys : Revista del Temps i el Clima de la Mediterrània Occidental |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology (formerly: Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie / B; Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology) |
Third Pole, The |
Tian ran qi di qiu ke xue = Natural Gas Geoscience |
Tokai-Daigaku-Kiyo-Kaiyo-Gakubu = Journal of the School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University |
TOPICS GEO Naturkatastrophen |
Topografía y Cartografía : TOPCART |
Trabajos de Geologia |
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan |
Transactions of the Geological Society of London |
Transactions of the VB - Technical University of Ostrava / Mechanical Series |
Transport in Porous Media |
Transportation Geotechnics |
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology |
Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie |
Treatise Online |
Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona |
Tropical Cyclone Research and Review |
Tropical Oceanography |
Tropical Plant Research |
Trudy Rossijskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Nefti i Gaza Imeni I. M. Gubkina = Proceedings of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas |
Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences (TGS) |
Tsunami Newsletter / International Tsunami Information Center, ITIC |