by subject
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041 - Das Kulturmagazin
041 - Das Kulturmagazin |
1750 Krónur Gefins |
1890 - Das Magazin der Allianz Deutschland AG |
Życie : Tygodnik Ilustrowany, Literacki, Artystyczny, Naukowy i Społeczny |
57 : Folha Independente de Cultura |
Á Morgun |
A.W.A. Bulletin,The = American Woman's Association Bulletin, The (via Gerritsen Collection) |
A. Williams & Co's Monthly Bulletin of D. Appleton & Co's New Publications (via EBSCO Host) |
A-Z: Luxemburger illustrierte Wochenschrift |
Aachener Anzeiger |
Aarburger Haushalt-Schreibmappe |
Aarburger Neujahrsblatt |
Abbott's Age of Progress (via EBSCO Host) |
ABC Journal of Advanced Research (ABC JAR) |
Abendblatt für allerlei Leser |
Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft |
Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse |
Abolitionist: or Record of the New England Anti-slavery Society Edited by A Committee (via EBSCO Host) |
Abolitionist, The (via EBSCO Host) |
Academia |
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Academic Pioneer & Guardian of Education (via EBSCO Host) |
Academic Recreations (via EBSCO Host) |
Academic Register (via EBSCO Host) |
Academic Star (via EBSCO Host) |
Academic Voices. A Multidisciplinary Journal |
Academician: Containing the Elements of Scholastic Science and the Outlines of Philosophic Education Predicated on the Analysis of the Human Mind and Exhibiting the Improved Methods of Instruction, The (via EBSCO Host) |
Academicus |
Academy Journal (via EBSCO Host) |
Acción Española |
Accountant & Advertiser, The (via EBSCO Host) |
Acorn (475947) (via EBSCO Host) |
Acorn (Skaneateles, NY 1839-1840) (via EBSCO Host) |
Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis (anfangs: Acta Beregsasiensis): A Scholarly Annual of Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute |
Acta Academica |
Acta Académica - UACA |
Acta Carolus Robertus |
Acta Orientalia |
Acta Periodica |
Acta Periodica Duellatorum |
Acta Scientiarum: Human and Social Sciences |
Acta Universitaria |
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et Historica |
Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici / Nauki Humanistyczno-społeczne / Historia |
Actes du CRESAT: Revue du Centre de Recherches sur les Économies, les Sociétés, les Arts et les Techniques |
Action sociale de la femme : Bulletin Mensuel (via Gerritsen Collection) |
Acton Monitor (Action, MA 1874-1876) (via EBSCO Host) |
Actual Divulgación |
Actualidades / Andrés Rodríguez |
Actualidades: Semanario Ilustrado |
- Actualidades: Semanario Nacional
- Adreß- und Geschäftshandbuch der Industrie- und Handelsstadt Pößneck, sowie der Städte Ranis und Ziegenrück und der Gemeinden: Bodelwitz, Friedebach, Herschdorf, Hütten, ...
- Adreßbuch der Stadt Fulda
- Adreßbuch für Cöln u. dessen Regierungsbezirk
- Adreßbuch und Wohnungs-Anzeiger für die Stadt Pößneck
- After Work: A Magazine for Workmen's Homes (via BPC)
- All the Year Round (London, UK 1862-1879) (via EBSCO Host)
- Almanach der Fortschritte in Wissenschaften, Künsten, Manufakturen und Handwerken
- Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa
- American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities. An Interdisciplinary Scholarly Resource
- American Quarterly Register & Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis / Rheinland-Pfalz
- Annuaire du Département de la Moselle
- Anzeige-Blatt der Kreishauptstadt Speyer
- Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original Treatises on General Redemption, The (1789-1790) (via EBSCO Host)
- Associate, The (via GALE)
- Auburn Miscellany (via EBSCO Host)