by subject
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D+C Development and Cooperation
D+C Development and Cooperation |
DAC Guidelines and Reference Series |
DAC Guidelines, The |
DAC-Leitlinien, Die |
Dados : Revista de Ciencias Sociais |
Dänemark: Gewerkschaftsmonitor |
Daftarhā-i Āsū (Aasoo) |
Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents |
Danish foreign policy Review (Formerly: Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook) |
Danziger Volksstimme : Organ für die werktätige Bevölkerung der Freien Stadt Danzig |
Darah Journal of Arabian Peninsula Studies |
Data & Policy |
Datamex: Análisis de Coyuntura mensual sobre México |
Datenhandbuch zur Geschichte des Deutschen Bundestages |
Dawn |
DBB-Europathemen: Aktuell |
dbb magazin / Bundesleitung des DBB Beamtenbund und Tarifunion |
DCidob (formerly Dossier CIDOB) |
DDS: Die Demokratische Schule |
De Doctrina Europea |
De Europa : European and Global Studies Journal |
De Securitate et Defensione = O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności |
Dealing with Climate Change: Policies and Measures in IEA Member Countries (2001-2002) |
Débat Militant |
Débat révolutionnaire |
Debate |
Debater a Europa |
Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, The |
Decentralization and Local Democracy in the World. Global Report |
Defence |
Defence against Terrorism Review (DATR) |
Defence and Diplomacy: In Pursuit of National Security: Journal of the Centre for Air Power Studies |
Defence and Peace Economics |
Defence Annual Report / Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence |
Defence Forces Review / Defence Forces Ireland |
Defence Science Journal |
Defence Strategic Communications: The Official Journal of the NATO Strategic Communcations Centre of Excellence |
Defence Studies |
Defendologija: Teorijsko-Stručni časopis za pitanja Zatite, Bezbjednosti, Odbrane, Obrazovanja, Obuke i Osposobljavanja = Defendology: Scholary Journal for Protection, Security, Defence, Education and Training Issues |
Defense and Security Analysis |
Defense Horizons |
Defense Monitor |
Defense of Japan (Annual White Paper) |
Delectis |
Demo: Das Sozialdemokratische Magazin für Kommunalpolitik / Sonderheft |
Demo Impulse: Beiträge für eine innovative Kommunalpolitik |
Demo: Vorwärts kommunal : das sozialdemokratische Magazin für Kommunalpolitik |
Democracía al Alcance de Todos |
Democracy and Governing in Moldova |