by subject
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Incarceration: an International Journal of Imprisonment, Detention and Coercive Confinement
Incarceration: an International Journal of Imprisonment, Detention and Coercive Confinement |
Inceptum: Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Administración |
Including Disability |
Inclusão Social |
Inclusive Practices |
Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies |
Index of Economic Freedom / The Heritage Foundation |
Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council |
India in Transition |
India Review |
Indian Economic and Social History Review, The |
Indian Horizons |
Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Social Work |
Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action |
Indian Journal of Gender Studies |
Indian Journal of Gerontology |
Indian Journal of Society and Politics |
Indian Research Journal |
Indicadores de Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas Edición en Bolsillo |
Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável |
Indicadores Sociais |
Indicadores Sociales Básicos de la Subregión Norte de América Latina y el Caribe |
Indicateurs sociaux du Maroc ..., Les |
Indicators on Gender, Poverty, the Environment and Progress Toward the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries |
Indice. Revista de Estadística y Sociedad |
Indien : Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft |
Indikator Kesejahteraan Rakyat = Welfare Indicators |
Indikatory Innovacionnoj Dejatelʹnosti |
Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey |
Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey: Adolescent Reproductive Health |
Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement = Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat |
Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology |
Industrial Relations : A Journal of Economy & Society |
Industrielle Beziehungen (IndBez) = German Journal of Industrial Relations, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Induzioni: Demografia, Probabilità, Statistica a Scuola |
Indvandrere i Danmark |
Infodienst Bevölkerung und Entwicklung |
Infopost Altenpflege |
Inform'elles : Bulletin d'Information du Bureau de la Condition Féminine de la République et Canton du Jura |
Informacijos Mokslai = Information Sciences |
Információs Társadalom = Information Society |
Informal Employment Survey ..., The |
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Household Survey ... |
Information Bulletin / Society for Latin American Studies (via JSTOR) |
Information for Social Change |
Information, Society & Justice |
Information Technology and People |
Informationen für Mütter und Väter |
Informations et Rapports sur l'Application des Conventions et Recommandations |
Informations Sociales |