by subject
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Përpjekja = Endeavour
Përpjekja = Endeavour |
På tal om Kvinnor och Män |
Paakat: Revista de Tecnología y Sociedad |
Pacific Affairs (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Pacific Affairs (formerly: Institute of Pacific Relations, News Bulletin) (-1995) (via PAO) |
Pacific Asia Inquiry : Multidisciplinary Perspectives - Occasional Papers in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences |
Pacific Geographies |
Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences |
Pacific Sociological Review |
Páginas de Seguridad Social |
Pakistan Demographic Survey |
Pakistan Development Review |
Pakistan Development Review, The ( via JSTOR) |
Pakistan Economic and Social Review (2000 -) |
Pakistan Economic and Social Review (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Pakistan Employment Trends |
Pakistan Islamicus (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences) |
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences |
Pakistan Migration Report ... |
Pakistan statistical yearbook (Pakistan statistical year book) |
Pakistan Vision: An International Journal of Pakistan Affairs (Journal of Pakistan Vision) |
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies |
Palabras de la Otra |
Palabras Mayores |
Palimpsest: Czasopismo Socjologiczne |
Palimpseste: Sciences, Humanités, Sociétés |
Palimpsesto: Revista Científica de Estudios Sociales Iberoamericanos |
Pan-African Conversations |
Pan-African Wisdom (formerly: Journal of Pan-African Wisdom, The) |
Panorama : Bildung Beratung Arbeitsmarkt |
Panorama de la Société |
Panorama des Statistiques de l'OCDE |
Panorama des Statistiques de l'OCDE : Économie, Environnement et Société |
Panorama Económico y Social, Cuba |
Panorama na Truda: Spisanie za Trudovi i Socialni Otnoenija = Panorama of Labour |
Panorama Social |
Panorama Social de América Latina |
Panorama Socioeconómico |
Panorama Suizo: Revista para los Suizos en el Extranjero |
Pánstwo i Społeczeństwo = State and Society |
Papeles de Población |
Papeles del CEIC / Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva |
Papers of Social Pedagogy (PSP) |
Papers on Social Science = Sosyal Bilimler Metinleri |
Papers: Revista de Sociologia |
Paradigms : A Research Journal of Commerce, Economics, and Social Sciences |
Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie |
Paraguay desde las Ciencias Sociales |
Paritätische Armutsbericht, Der / Der Paritätische Gesamtverband |