by subject
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Development Economic Review / NIDA
Development Economic Review / NIDA |
Development Economics Papers (DEDPS) |
Development Effectiveness Overview / Inter-American Development Bank |
Development Effectiveness Review ... : Report |
Development of International Trade in the Republic of China (Taiwan) , The |
Development of Management and Entrepreneurship Methods on Transport = Rozvytok Metodiv Upravlinnja ta Hospodarjuvannja na Transporti |
Development Outreach |
Development Report / Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development |
Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies (formerly ...Countries) = Capacités de Production d'Acier dans les Économies non Membres de l'OCDE, Les |
Developments in working life in Europe |
Développement Economique en Afrique, Le (Read Only) |
Développement Économique et Création d'Emplois Locaux (LEED) |
Devisenkursstatistik (Deutsche Bundesbank : Statistisches Beiheft 5 zum Monatsbericht) |
Dezbateri Social Economice = Social Economic Debates |
DG Trade Statistical Guide |
... DGE-Ernährungsbericht |
DGUV-Forum |
DGUV kompakt |
Dhf : Intralogistik |
DHL Global Connectedness Index |
Diagnose Mittelstand |
Diagnostic(s) / Coe-Rexecode |
Diagnóstico FACIL Empresarial, Finanzas, Auditoría, Contabilidad, Impuestos, Legal |
DialoG = DialoguE |
Dialog : Zeitschrift der Wismuth GmbH |
Dialoghi Internazionali |
Diálogo : Revista ESPM de Comunicação Corporativa |
Dialogues in Critical Management Studies |
Diario del Terruño |
DICE Discussion Paper |
DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven |
Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales |
Die fehlenden Unternehmer |
Die kleine Berlin-Statistik [Deutsche Ausgabe] |
Dienstleistungen - Struktur des Dienstleistungshandels |
Dienstleistungsreport |
Digest of Chinese Studies (via JSTOR) |
Digest of Demographic Statistics |
Digest of Industrial Statistics |
Digest of International Travel and Tourism Statistics / Republic of Mauritius, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Statistics Mauritius |
Digest of Labour Statistics |
Digest of Productivity and Competitiveness Statistics |
Digest of Public Finance Statistics |
Digest of Social Science Research on China (via JSTOR) |
Digest of Social Security Statistics / Republic of Mauritius |
Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation |
Digital Business |
Digital Communication Journal |
Digital Development Debates |
Digital Economy and Sustainable Development |