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Kết quả Điều tra Co̕ sỏ̕ sản xuất kinh doanh cá thể phi nông nghiệp ... = Results of the Survey on Non-Farm Individual Business Establishments
Kết quả Điều tra Co̕ sỏ̕ sản xuất kinh doanh cá thể phi nông nghiệp ... = Results of the Survey on Non-Farm Individual Business Establishments |
Kết-quả-khảo-sát-mức-sống-dân-cu'-Việt-Nam-năm = Result of the Viet-Nam Household Living Standards Survey |
Kết Quả Sản Xuất Kinh Doanh Của Doanh Rghiệp Việt Nam = Business Results of Vietnamese Enterprises in the Period |
Ka Pozitivnim Praksama = Towards Positive Practices |
Kafkas Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi dergisi = Kafkas University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty |
Kalksandstein : Geschäftsberichte ... |
Kansai and the Asia Pacific Economic Outlook |
Kansai in the Asia Pacific |
Kānsamrūat khwāmtō̜ngkān phathanā khīt khwāmsāmāt khō̧ng prachākō̜n, Phō̜. Sō̜ = Skill Development Survey, The |
Kānsamrūat Phāwa Sētthakit læ Sangkhom khō̜ng Khrūarư̄an = The ... Household Socio-Economic Survey / Phāk Tawanʻō̜k Chīang Nư̄a = Northeastern Region |
Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja = The Finnish Economic Journal |
Kansas City Financial Stress Index / Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City |
Kansas Statistical Abstract |
Kantonsporträts ... |
Kapitalist, Der: Organ des Kölner Haus- und Grundbesitzer-Vereins |
Kapitalmarktstatistik (Deutsche Bundesbank : Statistisches Beiheft zum Monatsbericht 2) |
KAPSARC Oil Market Outlook |
Karadeniz = Black Sea = Černoe More |
Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (KJEMS) |
Karlsruher Transfer |
Karriereführer |
Karriereführer. Green-Tech |
KarrierePlaner, Der |
Karrierestart Young Professionals Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Kasarinlan |
KASBIT Business Journal / KASB Institute of Technology |
Kaspijskij Region: Politika, ·Ekonomika, Kul'tura ; Naucnyj Zurnal = The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture |
Kaufkraft in der Hansestadt Rostock ... |
Kaufmännische Hefte |
Kaufmann, Der |
Kautschukindustrie, Die |
Kavkaz = Caucasus |
Kàwé: Revista do Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Baiano Regionais da UESC |
Kazachstan Spektr = Kazakhstan-Spectrum |
KBV-Klartext: Die Zeitung der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung |
KCA Journal of Business Management / KCA University |
KDI Annual Report |
KDI Focus |
KDI-Journal of Economic Policy |
KDI Policy Forum |
Keadaan Angkatan Kerja di Indonesia = Labor Force Situation in Indonesia |
Kehrwieder / Verband Deutscher Reeder |
Keio Business Review / Keio University |
Keio Economic Studies |
Keizai-Kagaku = The Economic Science |
Keizai-Ronso: The Economic Review |
Keizaigaku-kenkyū = Journal of Political Economy |
Keizaigakushi-kenky¯u = History of Economic Thought, The |
Kelan Tilastollinen Vuosikirja = FPAs Statistika Arsbok = Statistical Yearbook of the Social Insurance Institution |
Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar Kaedah Pendapatan = Gross Domestic Product Income Approach |