by subject
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KaffeeKlatsch - Das Magazin rund um Software-Entwicklung |
Kashika Jōhō Gakkai-shi = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan |
Keisanki-t¯okeigaku / Bulletin of the Computational Statistics of Japan |
KES - die Zeitschrift für Informations-Sicherheit (2001-2007) |
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz |
KINOTE: Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data und Robotic Process Automation. Supplement zu: Bank, Die: Zeitschrift für Bankpolitik und Bankpraxis |
Knowledge Acquisition |
Knowledge and Information Systems |
Knowledge-Based Systems |
Knowledge Engineering Review, The (-2023) |
Knowledge Engineering Review, The (2024-) |
KoG: Znanstveno-Strucno-informativni casopis Hrvatskog Drustva za Konstruktivnu Geometriju |
Kognitive Systeme |
Komm |
Kompʹjuterne Modeljuvannja: Analiz, Upravlinnja, Optymizacija: Zbirnyk Naukovych Pracʹ = Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization : Collection of Scientific Works = Kompʹjuternoe Modelirovanie: Analiz, Upravlenie, Optimizacija |
Kompʹjuterni zasoby, merei ta systemy = Computer Means, Networks and Systems = Kompʹjuternye sredstva, seti i sistemy |
Kompʹjuternye issledovanija i modelirovanie : Ki&M = Computer Research and Modeling |
Komp'juterni nauki ta kiberbezpeka : minarodnij elektronnij naukovo-teoretičnij urnal = Computer science and cybersecurity : CS & CS : international electronic scientific journal |
Kompjutărni Nauki i Komunikacii |
Korea IP News Quarterly, The |
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems |
Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics |
Kybernetika |