by subject
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Gaceta Técnica |
Gada parskats = Annual Report / Latvijas Republikas Patentu Valde |
GAMM-Mitteilungen |
Garidat Bara'at al-ihtira' = Newspaper / Egyptian Patent Office |
GECONTEC. Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología |
Gefahrgutbeförderung ... in Thüringen |
Gefahrstoffliste : Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz |
Gemeinnützliche Nachrichten von den neuesten Erfindungen, Fortschritten und Entdeckungen des In- und Auslandes, so wie von der neuesten Literatur und Kritik der Gewerbkunde, für Handwerker, Fabrikanten, Künstler und Oeconomen |
General Aviation Feedback / CHIRP |
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering |
German Aviation News for Law and Maintenance |
Geschäftsbericht / Robert Bosch GmbH |
Geschäftsbericht / TÜV Süd |
Gesunde Arbeit |
Gewina |
Gifu Shiritsu Joshi Tanki Daigaku kenkyū kiyō |
Gill's Technological Repository: or Discoveries and Improvements in the useful Arts being a Continuation of his Technical Repository (via GALE) |
GIT Security / EMEA |
Glasnik Intelektualne Svojine = Intellectual Property Gazette / Respublika Srbija, Zavod za Intelektualnu Svojinu |
Glasnik / Republic of Macedonia, State Office of Industrial Property |
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction |
Global Educational Journal of Science and Technology (GEJST) |
Global Engineers and Technologist Review, The (GETview) |
Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences (GJAETS) |
Global Journal of Engineering Education |
Global Journal of Technology Optimization (GJTO) |
Global Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (GJVTE) |
Global Transitions |
Global Transitions Proceedings |
Godinik / Draven Zavod Industriska Sopstvenost na Republika Makedonija |
Godinje izvjeće = Annual Report / Republika Hrvatska, Dravni Zavod za Intelektualno Vlasnitvo |
Godinji izvetaj = Annual report / Republika Srbija, Zavod za Intelektualnu Svojinu |
Goditen otčet = Annual Report / Patentno Vedomstvo na Republika Bălgarija |
Godovoj Otčet = Annual Report / Rospatent |
Godovoj Otčet = Annual Report / Sakpatenti, Georgian National Intellectual Property Center |
Gornyj vestnik Uzbekistana: Naučno-Techničeskij Proizvodstvennyj urnal = OʹZbekiton Konchilik Xabarnomasi: Ilmiy-Texnik va Ishlab Chiqarish Jurnali |
Great Circle, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Greenough's American Polytechnic Journal (via EBSCO Host) |
Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) |
Gudok = Гудок (via EastView) |
Gutenberg-Jahrbuch |