by subject
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Saber y Hacer: Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Saber y Hacer: Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola |
Sādhanā |
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences (formerly: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section C, Engineering Sciences) |
SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety |
Safety |
Safety Science |
Sailor's Magazine, & Naval Journal (via EBSCO Host) |
Sangyō Gijutsu Sōgō Kenkyūsho hōkoku |
Saúde & Tecnologia |
Schidno-jevropejsʹkyj urnal peredovych technolohij = Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies |
Schiffahrts-Kalender für das Elbe-Gebiet und die Märkischen Wasserstrassen |
Schiffahrts- und Hafenverkehr in den Rhein-Ruhr-Häfen |
School of Engineering Bulletin / Proceedings of the School of Engineering of Tokai University / Series E (2014 -) |
Schweizerische polytechnische Zeitschrift |
Science and Engineering Ethics |
Science and Technology |
Science and Technology International Research Journal |
Science, Business, Society |
Science China Materials |
Science China / Technological Sciences |
Science - Future of Lithuania = Mokslas - Lietuvos Ateitis |
Science, Technologie et Industrie: Perspectives de l'OCDE |
Science & Technology |
Science, Technology, and Human Values |
Science, Technology, and Human Values (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Report |
Science & Technology Asia |
Science, Technology & Innovation Studies |
Science, Technology & Society |
Science & Technology Studies (via JSTOR) |
Scientia et Technica |
ScientiaTec |
Scientific American (1846-1869) |
Scientific Bulletin |
Scientific Bulletin of the Petru Maior University of Targu Mures |
Scientific Digest : Journal of Applied Engineering |
Scientific Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (SJMIE) |
Scientific Review - Engineering and Environmental Sciences = Przegląd Naukowy - Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska |
Scope Online |
Securitologia = Securitology = Sekjuritologija |
Security Insight |
Security Journal |
Sekkei kōgaku : Nihon Sekkei Kōgakkai shi = Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology = Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi |
Semina: Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas |
Série sur les Accidents Chimiques |
Series on Chemical Accidents |
Sewing Machine Gazette (via EBSCO Host) |
SFPE Europe Digital Magazine |
Shaffner's Monthly Telegraph Companion (via EBSCO Host) |