by subject
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P@ranoá (Paranoá): Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
P@ranoá (Paranoá): Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo |
Paisagem e Ambiente |
Palapa / Universidad de Colima |
Palimpsesto |
Pamphlet: Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur |
PARC: Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção |
Património estudos |
PCI Journal |
PEB Echanges: La Revue du Programme de l'OCDE pour la Construction et l'Equipement de l'Education |
PEB Exchange: the Journal of the OECD Programme on Educational Building |
Perfil Ambiental de España |
Periodica Polytechnica / Architecture |
Periodica Polytechnica / Civil Engineering |
Periodica Polytechnica / Transportation Engineering |
Perner´s Contacts: Electronical Technical Journal of Technology, Engineering and Logistics in Transport |
Perspecta (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Perspectiva |
Perspectivas Urbanas / Urban Perspectives |
Perspectives des Transports FIT |
Perspectives in Architecture and Urbanism |
Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture (via JSTOR) |
Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção |
Photogrammetria |
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (älter als 2 Jahre) |
Photogrammetric Record, The |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy (1999-2001) |
Pierre d'Angle, La |
Pipeline Technology Journal (PTJ) |
Place Publique Rennes |
Plan Journal, The : TPJ : research in Architecture Design and Urbanism (2016-2017) |
Plan: Zeitschrift für Planen, Energie, Kommunalwesen und Umwelttechnik |
PLANARCH : Design and Planning Research |
Planning Perspectives |
Planning Practice and Research (PPR) |
Planning Theory |
Planning Theory & Practice |
Planum: The Journal of Urbanism |
Planung Neu Denken Online (PNDON) |
Planungsrundschau : Theorie, Forschung, Praxis |
PLOS Water |
Plumbing Engineer |
PND - Rethinking Planning |
Polis : revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo |
Polish Cartographical Review |
Polish Cartographical Review = Suplement w Języku Polskim |
Politecnico, Il |
Politecnico, Il: Giornale dell' Ingegnere Architetto Civile ed Industriale |
Politecnico, Il: Parte Letterario Scientifica |
Politecnico, Il: Repertorio Mensile di Studi Applicati alla Prosperità e Cultura Sociale |
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny = Polish Cartographical Review, The |