by subject
by title
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Palestrica Mileniului III (3): Civilizaţie şi Sport = Palestrica of the Third Millenium : Civilization and Sport |
Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences |
Panorama |
Paralympian, The |
Pedagogika, Psihologia ta Mediko-Biologicni Problemi Fizicnogo Vihovanna i Sportu = Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports |
Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport |
Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports |
Pensar a Prática |
Pensar en Movimiento |
Peonza : Revista de Educación Física para la paz |
PHENex Journal (Revue PhénEPS) |
Physical Activity and Health (PAAH) |
Physical Activity and Nutrition |
Physical Activity Journal |
Physical Activity Review |
Physical Culture |
Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research |
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Formerly: European Journal of Physical Education) |
Physical Education and Sports |
Physical Education, Sport and Health in Modern Society |
Physical Therapy (1996- älter als 12 Monate) |
Physical Therapy in Sport |
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal (PTJ) (Formerly Physical Therapy) |
Physical Training: Fitness for Combatives |
Physician and Sportsmedicine, The |
Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin |
Play True |
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism |
Polo +10 |
Post-Sportverein Köln |
Proceedings / International Olympic Academy |
Proceedings / North American Society of Sport History (NASSH) |
Proceedings / North American Society of Sport History (NASSH proceedings) |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology |
Proceedings of the ... International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo |
Proceedings: Records of Meeting |
Prohibited List, The ... (World Anti-Doping Agency) |
Proximus Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education |
Psychology of Sport and Exercise |
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health (formerly: Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise) |
Quality in Sport |
Quest |