Dr. Dana Hirsch
Dana Hirsch holds a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, a PhD in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires), and an advanced diploma in Statistics and Educational Indicators (National University of Tres de Febrero and National Pedagogical University). She was a doctoral fellow at CONICET at the Center for Labor Studies and Research (2011-2016). In this context, she developed her research on secondary vocational education reforms in Argentina between 1990 and mid-2010, analyzing the relationship between productive transformations and policies for labor force training. She has been an assistant and associate professor at the National University of Luján since 2011, focusing on the fields of economics, politics, and sociology of education. Besides she has carried out consultancies for the National Ministry of Education and international organizations. Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the National University of San Martín in a collaborative project that analyzes the changes in the so-called Industry 4.0, the new international division of labour and labour skills demands on a comparative study between industry sectors and national spaces. Her contribution consists in the comparative study of the long-term and recent characteristics of the National skill formation systems of Germany, South Korea, Australia and Argentina with focus on vocational education and training regimes.