Lisa Zehnter

A picture of a woman standing in front of stairs


lisa.zehnter [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Research Fellow of the

Lisa Zehnter is a research fellow in the Manifesto Project, which collects data on party preferences and positions by analyzing election manifestos in over 60 countries.  Her research focuses on populism, political communication and computer-assisted text analysis.

She has written her doctoral thesis on populist political communication at the Humboldt University in Berlin.  Previously, she graduated with a Master of Arts in Social Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin.  She also completed her bachelor's degree in German Literature and Social Sciences there and during a semester abroad at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

Selected Publications

Lehmann, Pola/ Zehnter, Lisa (2024): "The Self-Proclaimed Defender of Freedom. The AfD and the Pandemic". In: Government and Opposition, Vol. 59, No. 4, S. 1109-1127. (Vorab online publiziert 30.03.2022)
Riethmüller, Felicia/Zehnter, Lisa (2024): "Die Kunst der Ansprache. Geschlechtergerechte Sprache in deutschen Wahlprogrammen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 38-42.
Ivanusch, Christoph/Zehnter, Lisa/Burst, Tobias (2023): "Communicating in an Eventful Campaign. A Case Study of Party Press Releases during the German Federal Election Campaign 2021". In: Electoral Studies, Vol. 86, Article 102703, Special Section "The Federal Election 2021 in Context. Germany at the Crossroads?", edited by Kathrin Ackermann/Martin Elff/Heiko Giebler. (The accepted manuscript for download:
Burst, Tobias/Ivanusch, Christoph/Lehmann, Pola/Regel, Sven/Zehnter, Lisa (2021): "Rot-Grün-Rot passt am besten zusammen". In: ZEIT online, 19.09.2021.
Burst, Tobias/Lehmann, Pola/Regel, Sven/Zehnter, Lisa (2021): One Election, Six Visions for Germany. The Parties’ Manifestos for the 2021 General Election. Study Series. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. (auch erschienen in deutscher Sprache)
Zehnter, Lisa/Schwichtenberg, Leonie (2021): "Das Wahlprogramm der Alternative für Deutschland zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Wie 'normal' ist die AfD?". In: WZB Democracy Blog, 02.08.2021.