Prof. Dr. Udo E. Simonis
Research fields
2020 Honorary Member of the Oeko-Institute Freiburg, Berlin, Darmstadt
2017 Federal Order of Merit
2016 Honorary Chairman of the Society of Friends and Promoters of PIK
2011 "UmweltMedienpreis" lifetime achievement award
2004-2007 Co-Chairman of the Task Force on Environmental Governance for China
2002-2016 Chairman of the Society of Friends and Promoters of PIK
2002 Honorary Member of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
2000-2002 President of the World Society for EKISTICS (WSE)
1999-2006 Member of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) of the United Nations
1993-2002 Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee; and Member, Board of Trustees of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
1992-1996 Member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
1991-2016 Chief editor, „Jahrbuch Ökologie“ (German Ecology Yearbook)
1988-2003 Research Professor of Environmental Policy, WZB
1981-1987 Director of the International Institute for Environment and Society, WZB
1973 Professor of Economics, Technical University of Berlin
1970-1972 Research Associate at the University of Tokyo
1967-1969 Personal Advisor of the President of Zambia
1967 Doctor of Economics, University of Kiel
1959-1963 Study of economics and social sciences at the universities of Mainz, Vienna, and Freiburg
Selected Publications
Simonis, Udo E.: Die Entwicklungsstrategie der Volksrepublik China, Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, Bd. 123, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1968.
Simonis, Udo E., Heide Simonis: Lebensqualität. Zielgewinnung und Zielbestimmung/Quality of Life. Methods and Measurement, Kieler Schrifttumskunden zu Wirtschaft und Gesesllschaft, Bd. 21, Kiel: Institut für Weltwirtschaft 1976.
Simonis, Udo E.: Ökologische Orientierungen, Berlin: edition sigma 1988, 2nd edition 1989.
Simonis, Udo E.: Beyond Growth. Elements of Sustainable Development, Berlin: edition sigma 1990.
Simonis, Udo E.: Globale Umweltpolitik. Ansätze und Perspektiven, Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich: Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus 1996.
Edited Volumes
Ayres, Robert U., Udo E. Simonis (Eds..): Industrial Metabolism. Restructuring for Sustainable Development, Tokyo, New York, Paris: United Nations University Press 1994.
Lin, Tzong-Biau, Rance Lee, Udo E. Simonis (Eds.): Hong Kong. Economic, Social and Political Studies in Development, White Plains, New York: M.E. Sharpe; Folkestone, England: Dawson & Sons Ltd. 1979; London: Routledge Revivals 2019.
Simonis, Udo E., Heide Simonis (Eds.): Socioeconomic Development in Dual Economies. The Example of Zambia, Afrika-Studien des ifo-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, Bd. 71, München: Weltforum Verlag 1971.
Simonis, Udo E., Heide Simonis (Eds.): Japan. Economic and Social Studies in Development, Publication of the Institute of Asian Affairs, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1974.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Infrastruktur. Theorie und Politik, Neue Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek, Bd. 88, Köln: Kiepenheuer und Witsch 1977.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Ökonomie und Ökologie. Auswege aus einem Konflikt, Alternative Konzepte, Bd. 33, Karlsruhe: C.F. Müller 1980, 7th edition 1994.
Simonis, Udo E. et al. (Ed.): Jahrbuch Ökologie 1992 bis 2016, München: C.H. Beck 1991-2008, Stuttgart: Hirzel 2009-2015.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Weltumweltpolitik. Grundriß und Bausteine eines neuen Politikfeldes, Berlin: edition sigma 1996, 2nd edition 1999.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Die Rousseau-Frage – ökologisch definiert. Hat der Fortschritt der Wissenschaften und Künste dazu beigetragen, die Umwelt zu schützen und zu bewahren? Berlin: edition sigma 2002.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Öko-Lexikon, München: C.H. Beck 2003.
Simonis, Udo E. (Ed.): Vordenker und Vorreiter der Ökobewegung, Stuttgart: Hirzel 2014.
Simonis, Udo E., Martin Jänicke, Gerd Weigmann (Eds.): Wissen für die Umwelt, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter 1985, Reprint 2019.