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Berlin Behavioral Economics Colloquium

The Berlin Behavioral Economics Colloquium is a 'brown bag' event with external and internal speakers jointly organized by the WZB, DIW, ESMT, and TU Berlin.

Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science

The Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) cooperates across Berlin's institutions, offering a broad curriculum from different areas of economics, finance, and the management sciences.

Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar Series

The Berlin Behavioral Economics Colloquium and Seminar are a joint effort between DIW, WZB, HU Berlin and TU Berlin with the aim of fostering the exchange between active researchers in the areas of behavioral and experimental economics.

The SFB-TR15@Berlin Seminar Series

The seminar series is part of the SFB-TR15 "Governance and Efficiency of Economic Systems."

BAMS Berlin Applied Micro Seminar

The BAMS is joint seminar by the DIW, the Hertie School of Governance and the WZB.