
Blair, Graeme/Cooper, Jasper/Coppock, Alexander/Humphreys, Macartan/Bicalho, Clara/Fultz, Neal/Medina, Lily. (2018). DesignLibrary: Library of Research Designs.,

Blair, Graeme/Cooper, Jasper/Coppock, Alexander/Humphreys, Macartan/Rudkin, Aaron (2018). fabricatr: Imagine Your Data Before You Collect It.,

Blair, Graeme/Cooper, Jasper/Coppock, Alexander/Humphreys, Macartan/Sonnet, Luke (2018). estimatr: Fast Estimators for Design-Based Inference.,


Articles in reviewed journals

Garbe, Lisa (2024): "Pulling through Elections by Pulling the Plug. Internet Disruptions and Electoral Violence in Uganda". In: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 61, No. 5, S. 842-857. (vorab online publiziert 05.07.2023)
Garbe, Lisa/McMurry, Nina/Scacco, Alexandra/Zhang, Kelly (2024): "Who Wants to be Legible? Digitalization and Intergroup Inequality in Kenya". In: Comparative Political Studies, advance access, 11.09.2024, online:
Hartmann, Felix/Humphreys, Macartan/Geissler, Ferdinand/Klüver, Heike/Giesecke, Johannes (2024): "Trading Liberties. Estimating COVID-19 Policy Preferences from Conjoint Data". In: Political Analysis, Vol. 32, No. 2, S. 285-293. (vorab onlinne publiziert 18.08.2023)
Philip, Dawid/Humphreys, Macartan/Musio, Monica (2024): "Bounding Causes of Effects With Mediators". In: Sociological Methods & Research, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 28-56. (vorab online publiziert 03.03.2022)

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Chirikure, Nora/Humphreys, Macartan (2024): "Wenn Nord und Süd zusammenarbeiten. Erfahrungen aus einem Projekt in Uganda". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 184, S. 6-9.
Chirikure, Nora/Naumann, Lennard (2024): "Ungleichgewicht der Macht. Auf dem Weg zu echter Zusammenarbeit in der internationalen Forschung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 184, Online-Supplement, 10.06.2024.
Garbe, Lisa/Scacco, Alexandra (2024): "Lesbar werden. In Kenia stößt die Einführung digitaler Ausweise nicht nur auf Widerstand". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 184, S. 27-30.
Guo, Yuequan (2024): "Vermeintlich unpolitisch. Streiks in China folgen anderen Regeln als in nördlichen Industrieländern". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 184, S. 40-43.


Blair, Graeme/Coppock, Alexander/Humphreys, Macartan (2023): Research Design in the Social Sciences. Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign. Princeton, NJ/Oxford: Princeton University Press, xii, 380 S.
Humphreys, Macartan/M.Jacobs, Alan (2023): Integrated Inferences. Causal Models for Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research. Strategies for Social Inquiry. Cambridge/New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, XII, 422 S.

Articles in reviewed journals

Aggarwal, Minali/Allen, Jennifer/Coppock, Alexander/Frankowski, Dan/Messing, Solomon/Zhang, Kelly/Barnes, James/Beasley, Andrew/Hantman, Harry/Zheng, Sylvan (2023): "A 2 Million-Person, Campaign-Wide Field Experiment Shows How Digital Advertising Affects Voter Turnout". In: Nature Human Behaviour, Vol. 7, No. 3, S. 332-341. (vorab online publiziert 12.01.2023)
Freyburg, Tina/Garbe, Lisa/Wavre, Veronique (2023): "The Political Power of Internet Business. A Comprehensive Dataset of Telecommunications Ownership and Control (TOSCO)". In: The Review of International Organizations, Vol. 18, No. 3, S. 573-600. (vorab online publiziert 07.12.2022)
Nemcok, Miroslav/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Leshchenko, Olga/Kluknavska, Alena (2023): "Softening the Corrective Effect of Populism. Populist Parties' Impact on Political Interest". In: West European Politics, Vol. 46, No. 4, Special Issue "Under Pressure. Polarisation and Participation in Western Europe", edited by Endre Borbáth/Swen Hutter/Arndt Leiniger, S. 760-787. (vorab online publiziert 21.07.2022)

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Wiedner, Jonas/Heidenreich, Tobias/Ehlert, Martin/Leutgeb, Johannes/Garbe, Lisa/Skarpelis, Anna/Gorwa, Robert/Lehmann, Pola (2023): "Neue Dimensionen. Digitalisierungsforschung am WZB sprengt Grenzen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 180, S. 26-31.

Articles in collective volumes

Littman, Rebecca/Scacco, Alexandra/Weiss, Chagai (2023): "Reducing Prejudice through Intergroup Contact Interventions". In: Eran Halperin/Boaz Hameiri/Rebecca Littman (Eds.): Psychological Intergroup Interventions. Evidence-based Approaches to Improve Intergroup Relations. Global Perspectives in Political Psychology. Abingdon: Routledge, S. 3-16.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Garbe, Lisa/McMurry, Nina/Scacco, Alexandra/Zhang, Kelly (2023): Who Wants to Be Legible? Digitalization and Intergroup Inequality in Kenya. WZB Discussion Paper SP VII 2023-101. Berlin: WZB.
Golden, Miriam A/Slough, Tara/Zhai, Haoyu/Scacco, Alexandra/Humphreys, Macartan/Vivalt, Eva/Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto/Dionne, Kim Yi/KC, Sampada/Nazrullaeva, Eugenia/Aronow, P.M./Brethouwe, Jan-Tino/Buijsrogge, Anne/Burnett, John/DeMora, Stephanie/Enríquez, José Ramón/Fokkink, Robbert/Fu, Chengyu/Haas, Nicholas/Hayes, Sarah Virginia/Hilbig, Hanno/Hobbs, William R/Honig, Dan/Kavanagh, Matthew/Lindelauf, Roy H.A./McMurry, Nina/Merolla, Jennifer L/Robinson, Amanda/Solís Arce, Julio S/ten Thij, Marijn/Türkmen, Fulya Felicity/Utych, Stephen (2023): Gathering, Evaluating, and Aggregating Social Scientific Models. Rochester, NY: Social Science Resarch Network (SSRN).
Huck, Steffen/Humphreys, Macartan/Schweighofer-Kodritsch, Sebastian (2023): Political Salience and Regime Resilience. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2023-305r. Berlin: WZB. (first published July 2023 under the Title "Salience and Stability of Democracy", revised August 2023)
Juden, Matthew/Mapuwei, Tichaona/Tietz, Till/Sarguta, Rachel/Medina, Lily/Prost, Audrey/Humphreys, Macartan/Jacobs, Alan/Allen, Elizabeth/Mwambi, Henry/Davey, Calum (2023): Process Outcome Integration with Theory (POInT). Academic Report. CEDIL Research Project Paper 5. London: Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL).
Giebler, Heiko/Antoine, Lukas/Ollroge, Rasmus/Gerhards, Jürgen/Zürn, Michael/Giesecke, Johannes/Humphreys, Macartan (2023): "Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script (PALS) Survey. Wave 1". Freie Universität Berlin, online: (veröffentlicht).

Articles in reviewed journals

Geissler, Ferdinand/Hartmann, Felix/Humphreys, Macartan/Klüver, Heike/Giesecke, Johannes (2022): "Public Support for Global Vaccine Sharing in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Evidence from Germany". In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 12, Article e0278337, S. 1-12.
Humphreys, Macartan (2022): "Political Violence and Endogenous Growth". In: World Development, Vol. 159, Article 105993.
McMurry, Nina (2022): "From Recognition to Integration. Indigenous Autonomy, State Authority, and National Identity in the Philippines". In: American Political Science Review, Vol. 116, No. 2, S. 547-563. (vorab online publiziert 27.09.2021)

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Garbe, Lisa (2022): "Nachgefragt bei Lisa Garbe: Wie werden Social Media in Afrika reguliert?". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 175, S. 64.
Humphreys, Macartan (2022): "Das globale Impfversagen. Die Frage des Patentschutzes muss neu diskutiert werden". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 175, S. 30-33.
Tina, Freyburg/Lisa, Garbe/Veronique, Wavre (2022): "Telecommunications Ownership and Control (TOSCO)". (unveröffentlicht)
Innovations for Poverty Action, Uganda/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Garcia-Hernandez, Ana/Humphreys, Macartan (2022): "Consultative Behavioral Data From The "Designing Kampala's Citizen Charter" Project". (unveröffentlicht)
Innovations for Poverty Action, Uganda/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Garcia-Hernandez, Ana/Humphreys, Macartan (2022): "Baseline Survey From "Designing Kampala's Citizen Charter" Project". (unveröffentlicht)
Innovations for Poverty Action, Uganda/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Garcia‑Hernandez, Ana/Humphreys, Macartan (2022): "Village Chairperson Survey From The "Designing Kampala's Citizen Charter" Project". (unveröffentlicht)

Articles in reviewed journals

Bjorvatn, Kjetil/Galle, Simon/Oppedal Berge, Lars Ivar/Miguel, Edward/Posner, Daniel N./Tungodden, Bertil/Zhang, Kelly (2021): "Elections and Selfishness". In: Electoral Studies, Vol. 69, Article 102267, S. 1-6.
Egger, Dennis/Miguel, Edward/Warren, Shana S./Shenoy, Ashish/Collins, Elliott/Karlan, Dean/Parkerson, Doug/Mobarak, A. Mushfiq/Fink, Günther/Udry, Christopher/Walker, Michael/Haushofer, Johannes/Larreboure, Magdalena/Athey, Susan/Lopez-Pena, Paula/Benhachmi, Salim/Humphreys, Macartan/Lowe, Layna/Meriggi, Niccoló F./Wabwire, Andrew/Davis, C. Austin/Pape, Utz Johann/Graff, Tilman/Voors, Maarten/Nekesa, Carolyn/Vernot, Corey (2021): "Falling Living Standards during the COVID-19 Crisis. Quantitative Evidence from Nine Developing Countries". In: Science Advances, Vol. 7, No. 6, eabe0997, S. 1-12.
Garbe, Lisa/Selvik, Lisa-Marie/Lemaire, Pauline (2021): "How African countries respond to fake news and hate speech". In: Information, Communication & Society, Vol. 26, No. 1, Special Isssue on Tech Companies and Public Interest, S. 86-103. (vorab online publiziert 9.11.2021)
Klüver, Heike/Hartmann, Felix/Humphreys, Macartan/Geissler, Ferdinand/Giesecke, Johannes (2021): "Incentives Can Spur Covid-19 Vaccination Uptake". In: PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 118, No. 36, e2109543118, S. 1-3.
Lieberman, Evan/Martin, Philip/McMurry, Nina (2021): "When Do Strong Parties 'Throw the Bums Out'? Competition and Accountability in South African Candidate Nominations". In: Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol. 56, No. 3, S. 316-343. (vorab online publiziert 09.07.2021)
McMurry, Nina/Hiraldo, Danielle/Carter, Christopher (2021): "The Rise of Indigenous Recognition. Implications for Comparative Politics". In: APSA-CP Newsletter, Vol. 31, No. 1, S. 93-102.
Naumann, Elias/von den Driesch, Ellen/Schumann, Almut/Thönnissen, Carolin (2021): "Anstieg depressiver Symptome bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen während des ersten Lockdowns in Deutschland. Ergebnisse des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels pairfam". In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, Jg. 64, H. 12, S. 1533-1540.
Solís Arce, Julio S./Warren, Shana S./Meriggi, Niccolò F./Scacco, Alexandra/McMurry, Nina/Voors, Maarten/Syunyaev, Georgiy/Malik, Amyn Abdul/Aboutajdine, Samya/Adeojo, Opeyemi/Anigo, Deborah/Armand, Alex/Asad, Saher/Atyera, Martin/Augsburg, Britta/Awasthi, Manisha/Eden Ayesiga, Gloria/Bancalari, Antonella/Björkman Nyqvist, Martina/Borisova, Ekaterina/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Cabra García, Magarita Rosa/Cheema, Ali/Collins, Elliott/Cuccaro, Filippo/Zia Farooqi, Ahsan/Fatima, Tatheer/Fracchia, Mattia/Galindo Soria, Mery Len/Guariso, Andrea/Hasanain, Ali/Jaramillo, Sofía/Kallon, Sellu/Kamwesigye, Anthony/Kharel, Arjun/Kreps, Sarah/Levine, Madison/Littman, Rebecca/Malik, Mohammad/Manirabaruta, Gisele/Habarimana Mfura, Jean Léodomir/Momoh, Fatoma/Mucauque, Alberto/Mussa, Imamo/Aime Nsabimana, Jean/Obara, Isaac/Otálora, María Juliana/Wendemi Ouédraogo, Béchir/Bakary Pare, Touba/Platas, Melina R./Polanco, Laura/Ashraf Qureshi, Javaeria/Raheem, Mariam/Ramakrishna, Vasudha/Rendrá, Ismail/Shah, Taimur/Shaked, Sarene Eyla/Shapiro, Jacob N./Svensson, Jakob/Tariq, Ahsan/Mignondo Tchibozo, Achille/Ali Tiwana, Hamid/Trivedi, Bhartendu/Vernot, Corey/Vicente, Pedro C./Weissinger, Laurin B./Zafar, Basit/Zhang, Baobao/Karlan, Dean/Callen, Michael/Teachout, Matthieu/Humphreys, Macartan/Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq/Omer, Saad B. (2021): "COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries". In: Nature Medicine, Vol. 27, No. 8, S. 1385-1394. (als Preprint publiziert in medRxiv, 13.03.2021)
Zhang, Baobao/Weissinger, Laurin/Himmelreich, Johannes/McMurry, Nina/Li, Tiffany/Schinerman, Naomi/Kreps, Sarah (2021): "Building Robust and Ethical Vaccine Verification Systems". In: Tech Stream - Tomorrow's Tech Policy Conversations Today, 26.01.2021.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Hilbig, Hanno (2021): "Nachgefragt bei Hanno Hilbig: Brachte das Hochwasser den Grünen mehr Stimmen?". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 174, S. 17.

Articles in collective volumes

Scacco, Alexandra/Warren, Shana S. (2021): "Christian-Muslim Relations in the Shadow of Conflict. Insights from Kaduna, Nigeria". In: Melani Cammett/Pauline Jones-Luong (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Politics in Muslim Societies. Oxford Handbooks Online SeriesOxford University Press.

Contributions for press & radio

Boden, Michelle/Naumann, Elias (2021): "Elias Naumann: Wie geht es Familien während (und nach) der Corona-Pandemie?". In: Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Corona-Krise.

Articles in reviewed journals

Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Sacramone-Lutz, Gabriella (2020): "Information Technology and Political Engagement. Mixed Evidence from Uganda". In: The Journal of Politics, Vol. 82, No. 4, S. 1321-1336.
Zhang, Baobao/Kreps, Sarah/McMurry, Nina/McCain, R. Miles (2020): "Americans' Perceptions of Privacy and Surveillance in the COVID-19 Pandemic". In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, No. 12, Article e0242652.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/ Garcia-Hernandez, Ana/ Humphreys, Macartan (2020): "Trotz Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. Die Chancen der Bürgerbeteiligung in der Entwicklungspolitik". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 169, S. 47-49.
Kullenberg, Janosch (2020): "Von Ebola zu Covid-19 und zurück. Was die Demokratische Republik Kongo aus früheren Epidemien gelernt hat". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 169, S. 29-32.
Zomer, Alisa/ Zhang, Kelly/ Jang, Chaning (2020): "Verhaltensforschung geht ins Feld. Ein Kurs in Kenia bringt den Globalen Süden und den Norden ins Gespräch". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 169, S. 39-41.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Manuel Bosancianu, Constantin/Yi Dionne, Kim/Hilbig, Hanno/Humphreys, Macartan/KC, Sampada/Lieber, Nils/Scacco, Alexandra (2020): Political and Social Correlates of Covid-19 Mortality. SocArXiv Paper..


Castanho Silva, Bruno/Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel/Littvay, Levente (2019): Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, Bd. 179. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 144 S.

Collective volumes

Dunning, Thad/Grossmann, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth (Eds.) (2019): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Articles in reviewed journals

Beber, Bernd/Gilligan, Michael J./Guardado, Jenny/Karim, Sabrina (2019): "The Promise and Peril of Peacekeeping Economies". In: International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 2, S. 364-379.
Blair, Graeme/Cooper, Jasper/Coppock, Alexander/Humphreys, Macartan (2019): "Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs". In: American Political Science Review, Vol. 113, No. 3, S. 838-859. (vorab online publiziert 31.05.2019)
Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth/Adida, Claire L./Arias, Eric/Bicalho, Clara/Boas, Taylor C./Buntaine, Mark T./Chauchard, Simon/Chowdhury, Anirvan/Gottlieb, Jessica/Hidalgo, F. Daniel/Holmlund, Marcus/Jablonski, Ryan/Kramon, Eric/Larreguy, Horacio/Lierl, Malte/Marshall, John/McClendon, Gwyneth/Melo, Marcus A./Nielson, Daniel L./Pickering, Paula M./Platas, Melina R./Querubín, Pablo/Raffler, Pia/Sircar, Neelanjan (2019): "Voter Information Campaigns And Political Accountability. Cumulative Findings From A Preregistered Meta-Analysis Of Coordinated Trials". In: Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 7, eaaw2612, S. 1-10.
Fang, Albert H./Guess, Andrew M./Humphreys, Macartan (2019): "Can the Government Deter Discrimination? Evidence from a Randomized Intervention in New York City". In: The Journal of Politics, Vol. 81, No. 1, S. 127-141. (vorab online publiziert 16.10.2018)
Humphreys, Macartan/Sanchez de la Sierra, Raul/Van der Windt, Peter (2019): "Exporting Democratic Practices. Evidence from a Village Governance Intervention in Eastern Congo". In: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 140, S. 279-301. (vorab online publiziert 24.05.2019)
Humphreys, Macartan/Scacco, Alexandra (2019): "The Aggregation Challenge". In: World Development, Vol. 127, Article 104806, 01.03.2020. (vorab online publiziert 19.12.2019)
Van der Windt, Peter/Humphreys, Macartan/Medina, Lily/Timmons, Jeffrey F./Voors, Maarten (2019): "Citizen Attitudes Toward Traditional and State Authorities. Substitutes or Complements?". In: Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 52, No. 12, S. 1810-1840. (vorab online pubiziert 26.11.2018)

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Humphreys, Macartan (2019): "Vertrau mir einfach". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 163, Sonderausgabe zu 50 Jahre WZB "in touch. Forschung und Gesellschaft", S. 31-33.

Articles in collective volumes

Dunning, Thad/Bicalho, Clara/Chowdhury, Anirvan/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan/McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth (2019): "Meta-Analysis". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 315-374.
Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig (2019): "The Metaketa Initiative". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 16-49.
Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Adida, Claire/Arias, Eric/Boas, Taylor/Buntaine, Mark/Bush, Sarah/Chauchard, Simon/Gottlieb, Jessica/Hidalgo, F. Daniel/Holmlund, Marcus E./Jablonski, Ryan/Kramon, Eric/Larreguy, Horacio/Lierl, Malte/McClendon, Gwyneth/Marshall, John/Nielson, Daniel L./Platas Izama, Melina/Querubin, Pablo/Raffler, Pia/Sircar, Neelanjan (2019): "Appendix: Meta-Pre-Analysis Plan (MPAP). Political Information and Electoral Choices - A Pre-Meta-Analysis Plan". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 417-447.
Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth (2019): "Informational Interventions. Theory and Measurement". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 50-78.
Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth (2019): "Challenges and Opportunities". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 403-416.
Dunning, Thad/Grossmann, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Nellis, Gareth (2019): "Do Informational Campaigns Promote Electoral Accountability?". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 3-15.
Nellis, Gareth/Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig/Reardon, Catlan (2019): "Learning about Cumulative Learning. An Experiment with Policy Practitioners". In: Thad Dunning/Guy Grossman/Macartan Humphreys/Susan D. Hyde/Craig McIntosh/Gareth Nellis (Eds.): Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning. Lessons from Metaketa I. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 375-400.

Articles in reviewed journals

Scacco, Alexandra/Warren, Shana S. (2018): "Can Social Contact Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria". In: American Political Science Review, Vol. 112, No. 3, S. 654-677.
Windt, Peter van der/Humphreys, Macartan/Sanchez de la Sierra, Raul (2018): "Gender Quotas in Development Programming. Null Results from a Field Experiment in Congo". In: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 133, S. 326-345. (vorab online publiziert 02.03.2018)

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Dunning, Thad/Grossman, Guy/Humphreys, Macartan/Hyde, Susan D./McIntosh, Craig (2018): "Reflections on Challenges in Cumulative Learning from the Metaketa Initiative". In: The Political Economist - Newsletter of the Section on Political Economy, American Political Science Association, Vol. 14, No. 1, S. 3-9.
Humphreys, Macartan (2018): "Der tote Winkel. Auch in der akademischen Praxis sind männliche Verhaltensmuster hartnäckig". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 159, S. 62-63.
Humphreys, Macartan/Windt, Peter van der/Sanchez de la Sierra, Raul (2018): "Die Quote allein reicht nicht immer. Ein Experiment in Kongo zeigt, wie steinig der Weg zur Gendergerechtigkeit ist". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 161, S. 11-13.

Articles in collective volumes

Fearon, James/Humphreys, Macartan (2018): "Why Do Women Co-Operate More in Women’s Groups?". In: Siwan Anderson/Lori Beaman/Jean-Philippe Platteau (Eds.): Towards Gender Equity in Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 217-236.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Fearon, James/Humphreys, Macartan (2017): Why do Women Co-operate More in Women's Groups?. WIDER Working Paper 2017/163. Helsinki: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research.

Articles in reviewed journals

Humphreys, Macartan (2016): "Commentary: Biases in the Assessment of Long-run Effects of Deworming". In: International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 45, No. 6, 06.02.2017, S. 2163-2165. (published 06 February 2017)