Wednesday, 6 February 2019

European Politics in the Shadow of the Great Recession

Lecture by Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute, Florence


The lecture addresses the consequences of the global financial crisis and Euro crisis for the structuration and dynamics of conflict in electoral and protest politics. How did Europe’s crises impact on European party systems? Did they trigger a return of economic issues and protests in Europe? And what were the political consequences of the dynamic interactions between social movements and political parties? Hanspeter Kriesi will answer these questions based on the results of his ERC funded project “Political Conflict in the Shadow of the Great Recession” (POLCON).

Moderated by Jürgen Gerhards (Freie Universität Berlin)

Hanspeter Kriesi is Stein Rokkan Professor of Political Science at the European University Institute in Florence. Before that he researched and teaches at the Universities of Amsterdam, Geneva and Zurich.

The lecture is part of the opening event of the Center for Civil Society Research at the Freie Universität Berlin.