Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Pathways to sustainable mobility: Radical socio-technical change or sustained path dependencies?

WZB Talk by Lisa Ruhrort

Lisa Ruhrort is Research Fellow of the WZB Research Group Digital Mobility and Social Differentiation.

Abstract: Spatial mobility is central to modern societies. But the growing threats of climate change and resource depletion make it necessary to fundamentally reconfigure the structural settings, everyday social practices and cultural reference frames into which mobility is embedded.
How can such a transformation come about? What are the key drivers and barriers of socio-technical change in the mobility sector? The talk is based on an interdisciplinary research project. In this project sociology works together with spatial planning, transport planning and psychology to understand how social practices of mobility in car-oriented suburban communities could be shifted towards sustainability. The talk discusses how sociological research can help to understand processes of socio-technical change in these settings.


Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.

The event is part of the WZB Talks series.


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