3 - 4 April 2023

Platform Governance Research Network Conference (PlatGovNet) 2023

Imagining Sustainable, Trustworthy, and Democratic Platform Governance


The Platform Governance Research Network brings together researchers interested in ‘platform governance’, broadly defined. From online labor markets and locally-tethered service delivery platforms, to social networks and cloud providers, our conference highlights cutting-edge conceptual and empirical work that engages with the politics and policy of the 21st century ‘platformized’ internet.

This year's iteration of the conference will be held virtually on April 3rd and April 4th, with sessions running between 1100-1700 UTC on each day. Sessions will be recorded and made accessible to registrants at the end of each day.

Confirmed sessions include panels on a wide range of topics, including: Comparative Platform Regulation, Governing Platform Business Models, Bridging Media and Platform Policy, Searching for Justice in Platform Governance, Ruling the Fediverse, Regulating Platformed Work, Empirical Platform Research, and much more.

The 2023 conference has been generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation, Data + Society Research Institute, the Centre for Internet and Society, McGill's Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, and the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre.

Registration is free and open to all reseachers. Please register via Eventbrite here.