29 - 30 June 2018

Religious Fundamentalism and Violence: Causes and Mechanisms

6th Annual Conference on Migration and Diversity

In public as well as academic discourses, religious fundamentalism has been commonly associated with radicalization, intolerance, and violence. The 6th Annual Conference on Migration and Diversity brings together international researchers to discuss and identify causes and mechanisms related to religious fundamentalism and violence: Under what circumstances do people advocate or even use violence in the name of their religion? To what extent do social deprivation factors such as discrimination, low socio-economic status or lack of integration lead to radicalization? What is the role of religion in religious fundamentalism and violence, if any? These questions will be addressed and discussed from a comparative and multi-disciplinary perspective.

The conference is carried out in cooperation with the DeZIM project RADIKAL, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).