17 - 20 October 2012

From Rebellion to Revolution. Dynamics of Political Change

16th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality

In part of the Islamic world peaceful demonstrations and violent revolts have swept away autocratic regimes and are still challenging long-standing nepotistic elites. In Western societies protests rise against neo-liberal politics, democratic deficits, and the harsh consequences of the financial crisis on the majority of the population. In spite of political and scholarly scepticism, revolution seems to provide once more an instrument for political change. In an essay contest two hundred young scholars and journalists from all continents have analysed old and new dynamics of political change; about forty of them will be selected and meet in Berlin at the WZB to discuss their research in two workshops chaired by Jeff Goodwin (Sociology, NYU), Sonja Hegasy (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Wolfgang Merkel and Christoph Stefes (both WZB). The workshops will be accompanied by evening lectures given by Nancy Fraser (The New School for Social Research, New York) on October 17, 2012, and Amr Hamzawy (political scientist, member of the Egyptian parliament and head of the Freedom Egypt Party) on October 19, 2012.