Monday, 12 November 2012

Public Research Systems and Innovation in Europe

Which Kind of Research Institution/Arrangement of Institutions Do We Need? -
I4G Workshop on Research and Innovation Policy

The I4G Workshop examines in what ways different national research systems within Europe generate innovations. To that end, the systems of Germany, France and the UK will be discussed and their strengths and weaknesses identified. Moreover, the performance of European universities will be compared in a global context, EC pilots on monitoring of research institutions will be presented and the impact of the ERA will be discussed. Special attention will be given to the highly differentiated German non-university research sector and its impact on an innovation-friendly research landscape. In conclusion, the workshop will attempt to formulate how an adequate arrangement of research institutions could look like, and will define further research questions, particularly concerning centralized versus decentralized systems and highly differentiated non-university sectors versus university-dominated systems.

The Innovation for Growth group (I4G) advises the European Commission in matters of Innovation Policy.