Prof. Dr. Andrea Liese


Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department


Andrea Liese, chair of International Organizations and Policies since 2010, was guest at WZB unit Global Governance in 2012 (March–September). Her main research interests are international institutions and norms, international organizations, transnational human rights and development politics as well as governance in areas of limited statehood. She is principal investigator of the subproject D8 ‘“Talk and Action”. How International Organizations Respond to Areas of Limited Statehood’, which is part of the German Research Foundation sponsored research program (SFB 700) on ‘Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood’. She also leads (together with Dr. Per-Olof Busch) the subproject 6 ‘Consideration of Expert Knowledge - International Public Administrations as Policy Experts’, which is part of the German Research Foundation group 1745. Andrea Liese is member of the research advisory board of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) as well as member of the advisory board of the journal Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB).

Selected Publications

(with Christopher Kann): Public private partnerships in global food governance: business engagement and legitimacy in the global fight against hunger and malnutrition, in: Agriculture and Human Values 28(3), S. 385-399, 2011.

(with Marianne Beisheim): Transnational Public-Private Partnerships and the Provision of Collective Goods in Developing Countries, in: Risse, Thomas (Hrsg.): Governance without a State: Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood, New York: Columbia University Press,  S. 115-143, 2011.

Explaining varying degrees of openness in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in: Christer Jönsson und Jonas Tallberg (Hrsg.), Transnational Actors in Global Governance. Patterns, Explanations and Implications, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 88-108, 2010

Staaten am Pranger. Zur Wirkung internationaler Regime auf die inner-staatliche Menschenrechtspolitik, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (2006)


Transnational Public Private Partnerships for Development. Explaining Effectiveness by Institutional Design (book manuscript)

Expert Authority of International Public Administrations (research proposal)