Carmen Wunderlich

Portrait Foto Carmen Wunderlich (Foto Wunderlich)
Foto Wunderlich


Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department


Carmen Wunderlich is a research fellow and a doctoral candidate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (HSFK). She was a visiting researcher at the WZB’s Global Governance unit from May to June, and later again from October to November 2014. During her stays, she worked on the topic and examined the role of "'rogue states' as norm entrepreneur", work closely with the researchers within the framework of the SAW project "Contested World Orders".

Selected Publications

  • "A Rogue Gone Norm Entrepreneurial? Iran within the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime", in: Wagner, Wolfgang; Werner, Wouter; Onderco, Michal (Hrsg.): Deviance in International Relations. 'Rogue States' and International Security, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, S. 83-104.
  • Müller, Harald / Wunderlich, Carmen / Fey, Marco / Ricke, Klaus-Peter / Schaper, Annette 2014: “Global Non-proliferation ‘Clubs’ vs. the NPT”, SSM 2014:04.
  • “Moving beyond Neutrality: Sweden’s Changing Attitude towards the Military Use of Force”, in: Geis Anna / Müller, Harald / Schörnig, Niklas (eds.): The Militant Face of Democracy: Liberal Forces for Good, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 269-306.
  • Norm Dynamics in Multilateral Arms Control. Interests, Conflicts, and Justice, Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, co-edited with Harald Müller.