Prof. Dr. Christian Kreuder-Sonnen

Christian Kreuder-Sonnen 2016
David Ausserhofer


Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin

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David Ausserhofer
Former Scholarship Holder of the Research Department
Former Staff Member of the Research Department

Research fields

Regime complexity | Norm conflicts | Emergency politics of international organizations | International law and legal theory | Institutionalism


since 10/2019
Assistant Professor of International Organizations (Political Science), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Visiting Scholar, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

Senior Research Fellow, Resarch Unit Global Governance, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Dr. phil., Free University Berlin (summa cum laude)

Research Fellow, Chair of International Relations, University of Munich

Junior Visiting Scholar, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

Doctoral candidate at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS), WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Research Fellow, Chair of Global Governance, University of Munich

Selected Publications


Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2019), "Emergency Powers of International Organizations: Between Normalization and Containment," Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Winner of the 2020 Chadwick Alger Prize awarded by the International Studies Association)

Journal articles:

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian and Zürn, Michael (forthcoming), "After Fragmentation. Norm Collisions, Interface Conflicts, and Conflict Management." Global Constitutionalism 9(2). doi: 10.1017/S2045381719000315.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian and Zangl, Bernhard (forthcoming), "Zwischen Hoffen und Bangen: Zum Verhältnis von Autorität, Politisierung und Demokratisierung in internationalen Organisationen." Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2019), "China vs. WHO: A behavioural norm conflict in the SARS crisis." International Affairs 95(3), 535-552.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2019), "International authority and the emergency problematique. IO empowerment through crises." International Theory 11(2), 182-210.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2018), "Political secrecy in Europe: crisis management and crisis exploitation," West European Politics 41(4), 958-980.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2018), "An Authoritarian Turn in Europe and European Studies?" Journal of European Public Policy 25(3), 452-464.

Joerges, Christian and Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2017), "European Studies and the European Crisis: Legal and Political Science between Critique and Complacency," European Law Journal 23(1-2), 118-139.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian and Zangl, Bernhard (2016), "Varieties of Contested Multilateralism. Positive and Negative Consequences for the Constitutionalization of Multilateral Institutions," Global Constitutionalism 5(3), 327-343.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2016), "Beyond integration theory: the (anti-)constitutional dimension of European crisis governance," JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 54(6), 1350-1366.

Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian and Zangl, Bernhard (2015), "Which post-Westphalia? International organizations between constitutionalism and authoritarianism," European Journal of International Relations 21(3), 568-594. 

Hanrieder, Tine and Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian (2014), "WHO decides on the exception? Securitization and emergency governance in global health," Security Dialogue 45(4), 331-348.