Dr. habil. Dieter Plehwe
Research fields
Habilitation, Institute of Political Science, University of Kassel
10 2018 - 09 2021
Research Fellow at the Center for Civil Society Research
07 2017 - 09 2018
Research Fellow in the President's Project Group
09 2016 - 02 2017
Visiting Fellow, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES), Harvard University
since July 2014
Research Fellow, Research Unit "Inequality and Social Policy"
2011- 2014
Research Fellow, Project Group "Modes of Economic Governance"
Fall Semester 2008/9
Visiting Professor International Development, Vienna University
09 2004 - 05 2005
Visiting Fellow, International Centre for Advanced Studies, New York University
09 2002 - 05 2004
Lecturer Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, Yale University
08 1996 - 08 2002
Research Fellow, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Department Organization and Employment
Dr. phil. Politikwissenschaft, Philipps-University Marburg
General Secretary Bund Demokratischer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
Diploma Political Science, Philipps-University Marburg