Dr. Julia Pohle
Research fields
Since 05/2024 Co-leader of the WZB research group "Politics of Digitalization"
Since 10/2021 Senior Associate Researcher at the Center for Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation (CD2I), Brussels School of Governance, Belgium
Since 04/2015 Senior researcher in the WZB research group "Politics of Digitalization"
01-06/2018 Visiting scholar at the CNRS Institut des sciences de la communication (ISCC/CNRS), Paris, France
2016 PhD in Communication Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2010-2015 Junior researcher at the SMIT-Center for Studies in Media, Information and Telecommunication, PhD fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium
2008-2010 Consultant at UNESCO, Paris, France
2004-2007 Studies in Cultural Studies, Computer Science, and Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Magister Artium, M.A.)
2003-2004 Università di Bologna, Italy (ERASMUS)
2001-2003 Studies in Cultural Studies and Computer Science at Universität Bremen
Since 2020 Academic Editor, Internet Policy Review
Since 2016 Co-Chair of the Communication Policy and Technology Section (CPT), International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
2016-2022 Member of the Steering Committee of the Internet Governance Forum Germany (IGF-D)
2013-2016 Member of the Steering Committee, Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
2014-2015 Fellow of the Global Governance Futures Program (Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues)
Selected Publications
Pohle, J., Santaniello, M., Nanni, R. (eds.) (2025): "Unthinking Digital Sovereignty: A Critical Reflection on Origins, Objectives, and Practices." Policy & Internet, special issue.
Pohle, J. (2024): "Global Media Governance: The Role of Nation States." In: Puppis, M., Mansell, R. and Van den Bulck, H. (eds.): Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. S. 329–341.
Pohle, J., & Santaniello, M. (2024): "From Multistakeholderism to Digital Sovereignty: Towards a New Discursive Order in internet governance?" Policy & Internet, 1-20.
Zagel, H., Pohle, J., Iglesias Keller,C., Steer, A., Mayer, C., Katzy-Reinshagen, A. (2024): "Intime Daten im digitalen Raum. Menstruations- und Zyklus-Apps zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Datenschutz." WZB-Mitteilungen, 184, 60-63.
Pohle, J. and Voelsen, D. (2023): "Centrality and power. The struggle over the techno-political configuration of the Internet and the global digital order." In: Wavre, V., Padovani, C., Goggin, G., Hintz, A. and Isofodis, P. (eds.): Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads. A Palgrave and IAMCR Series. S. 57-73.
Pohle, J. (2023): "The European Strive for Digital Sovereignty: Have We Lost Our Belief in the Global Promises of the ‘Free and Open Internet’?" Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 3(2).
Pohle, J. (2023): "Vom Mythos der Zersplitterung. Das globale Netz zwischen Zentralisierung und Pluralisierung". WZB-Mitteilungen, 180, 11-14.
Pohle, J., Klausa, T. (2023): "L'Office anticartel allemand vs Google." In: La revue européenne des médias et du numérique, (65-66), 15-18
Pohle, J., Thüer, L. (2023): "L'amende infligée à la messagerie Telegram en vertu de la NetzDG en Allemagne". In: La revue européenne des médias et du numérique, 64, p. 19-23.
Pohle, J., Thüer, L., Dammann, F., & Winkler, J. (2022). "Das Subjekt im politischen Diskurs zu „digitaler Souveränität“. In: Kersting, N., Radtke, J. and Baringhorst, S. (eds.), Handbuch Digitalisierung und politische Beteiligung. Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Pohle, Julia and Voelsen, Daniel (2022) "Das Netz und die Netze. Vom Wandel des Internets und der globalen digitalen Ordnung". In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie.
Pohle, Julia and Thiel, Thorsten (2022): "Soberanía digital". In: Revista latinoamericana de economía y sociedad digital, p. 1-22.
Fritzsche, K., Pohle, J., Bauer, S., Haenel, F., Eichbaum, F. (2022): Digitalisierung nachhaltig und souverän gestalten. CO:DINA Positionspapier 10. CO:DINA.
Pohle, Julia and Voelsen, Daniel (2022): "Centrality and power. The struggle over the techno-political configuration of the Internet and the global digital order". In: Policy & Internet, 14, p. 1-15.
Pohle, Julia and Thiel, Thorsten (2021): "Digital sovereignty". In: Herlo, B., Irrgang, D., Joost, G. und Unteidig, A. (eds.): Practicing Sovereignty, Digital Involvement in Times of Crises. Bielefeld: transcript. (online)
Pohle, Julia (2021): "International information policy: UNESCO in historical perspective". In: Duff, A. S. (ed.): Research Handbook on Information Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Pohle, Julia and Thiel, Thorsten (2021): "Digitale Souveränität. Von der Karriere eines einenden und doch problematischen Konzepts". In: Piallat, C. (ed.): Der Wert der Digitalisierung. Gemeinwohl in der digitalen Welt. Bielefeld: transcript. (online)
Pohle, Julia (2020): Digital Sovereignty. A New Key Concept of Digital Policy in Germany and Europe. Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Pohle, Julia and Thiel, Thorsten (2020): "Digital Sovereignty". In: Internet Policy Review - Journal on Internet Regulation, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 1-19. (Special Section "Concepts of the Digital Society", edited by Christian Katzenbach/Thomas Christian Bächle)
Pohle, J. (2020): Digitale Souveränität. In: Klenk, T., Nullmeier, F. & Wewer G. (eds.): Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (online first)
Schafer, V., Fickers, A., Howarth, D., Musiani, F., Pohle, J., and Winseck, D. (2020): "The internet and the European market" from a multidisciplinary perspective: a "round-doc" discussion, in: Internet Histories, 4 (2) (online)
Mikat, C. and Pohle, J. (2020): „Deutschland täte es gut, die globale Vernetzung mehr im Blick zu haben.“, in: tv diskurs 92, 2/2020, p. 36–39.
Pohle, Julia (2019): "Verliert das Internet Governance Forum an Bedeutung?", in: VEREINTE NATIONEN, 5/2019. (online)
Pohle, J., Thiel, T. (2019): Digitale Vernetzung und Souveränität: Genealogie eines Spannungsverhältnisses, in: Borucki I., Schünemann, W. J. (eds.): Internet und Staat. Baden Baden: Nomos. (online)
Pohle, J., Lang, J. (2019): Digitale Souveränität als Frage der Selbstbestimmung im digitalen Raum. DGVN – UN Debatte (Blog), 02/07/2019.
Pohle, J. (2019): Abgesang der Netzpolitik: Rückblick auf ein Politikfeld im Wandel, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 60(3). (online)
Kerr, A., Musiani, F., & Pohle, J. (2019): Practicing rights and values in internet policy around the world, in: Internet Policy Review, 8(1). (online)
Pohle, J. (2018): Digitalpolitik in Deutschland: globales Politikfeld sucht Ministerium, in: Regierungsforschung.de. (online)
Pohle, J. (2018): The Internet as a global good: UNESCO’s attempt to negotiate an international framework for universal access to cyberspace, in: International Communication Gazette, Special Issue on Internet Constitutionalism, 80(4). (online)
Jaume-Palasi, L., Pohle, J., & Spielkamp, M. (Eds.) (2017): Digitalpolitik - Eine Einführung. Initiated by iRights.international and Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., with support of ICANN. (online)
Pohle, J., Van Audenhove, L. (2017): Post-Snowden Internet Policy. Between Public Outrage, Resistance and Policy Change, in: Media and Communication, 5(1). (online)
Pohle, J. (2016). Multistakeholder governance processes as production sites: enhanced cooperation "in the making", in: Internet Policy Review, 5(3). (online)
Pohle, J., Hösl, M., & Kniep, R. (2016): Analysing internet policy as a field of struggle, in: Internet Policy Review, 5 (3). (online)
Pohle, J. (2016): Information For All? The emergence of UNESCO's policy discourse on the information society (1990-2003). PhD thesis in Communication Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. (online)
Pohle, J. (2015): UNESCO and INFOethics. Seeking global ethical values in the Information Society, in: Telematics and Informatics, 32 (2), 381-390.
Khan, A., Pohle, J., Lin, R., Sandhu, P., Oppenheim, S., & Shin, T. (2015): Shared Responsibility: Towards More Inclusive Internet Governance. Final report of the GGF 2025 Internet Governance Working Group. (online)
Pohle, J. (2015): Multistakeholderism Unmasked: How the NetMundial Initiative shifts battlegrounds in Internet Governance, in: Global Policy Journal. (online)
Musiani, F. & Pohle, J. (2014): NETmundial: only a landmark event if 'Digital Cold War' rhetoric abandoned, in: Internet Policy Review, 3 (1). (online)
Pohle, J. (2014): Mapping the WSIS+10 Review Process. Research report on the 10-year review process of the World Summit on the Information Society. (online)
Pohle, J. & Morganti, L. (2012): The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): Origins, Stakes and Tension, in: Revue française d’études américaine, Special issue "Contested Internet Governance", 134 (4), 29-46.
Pohle, J. (2012): "Going digital": A historical perspective on early international cooperation in informatics, in: Frau-Meigs et al. (Eds.), "From NWICO to WSIS: 30 years of Communication Geopolitics. Actors and Flows, Structures and Divides", Bristol, UK: Intellect.
Frau-Meigs, D., Nicey, J., Palmer, M., Pohle, J., & Tupper, P. (Eds.) (2012): "From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics. Actors and Flows, Structures and Divides", Bristol, UK: Intellect.