Philipp Günther
Research fields
Professional Experience
since 04/2021 Research Fellow, WZB Research Group "Law and Governance in the Context of Social Inequalities"
04/2020 - 03/2021 Student Research Assistant, WZB Research Professorship of Prof. Dr. Michael Wrase
08/2019 - 03/2020 Student Research Assistant, WZB Research Group "COLLISIONS", part of the of the "Overlapping Spheres of Authority and Interface Conflicts in the Global Order" (OSAIC) Project
10/2018 - 07/2019 Student Research Assistant, Chair of International Refugee Law (Prof. Dr. Marjoleine Zieck), Universiteit van Amsterdam
since 08/2024 Legal Trainee (Rechtsreferendar) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht)
since 04/2021 Doctoral candidate, University of Rostock
10/2016 - 03/2021 First State Examination in Law, Free University of Berlin
08/2018 - 08/2019 LL.M. International and European Law, Universiteit van Amsterdam
08/2015 - 01/2016 Erasmus semester, Université de La Réunion
10/2013 - 09/2016 B.A. International Relations, Dresden University of Technology
"Access to justice in Berlin" supported by the Berlin Senate Administration for Justice and Consumer Protection
Selected Publications
Günther, Philipp/Garske, Beatrice/Heyl, Katharine/Ekardt, Felix (2024). 'Carbon farming, overestimated negative emissions and the limits to emissions trading in land-use governance: the EU carbon removal certification proposal', Environmental Sciences Europe, Volume 36, 72, 1–24.
Günther, Philipp/Ekardt, Felix (2023). 'Balancing climate goals and biodiversity protection: legal implications of the 30x30 target for land-based carbon removal', Frontiers in Climate, Volume 5, 1–16.
Ekardt, Felix/Günther, Philipp/Hagemann, Katharina/Garske, Beatrice/Heyl, Katharine/Weyland, Raphael (2023). 'Legally binding and ambitious biodiversity protection under the CBD, the global biodiversity framework, and human rights law', Environmental Sciences Europe, Volume 35, 80, 1–26.
Günther, Philipp/Ekardt, Felix (2023). 'The Priority of Nature-based over Engineered Negative Emission Technologies: Locating BECCS and DACCS within the Hierarchy of International Climate Law', Ecological Civilization, Volume 1, 1004, 1–15.
Günther, Philipp/Wrase, Michael (2023). 'Digitale Rechtsmobilisierung – Die Rolle von Legal Tech-Angeboten beim Zugang zum Recht', in: Riehm, Thomas/Dörr, Sina (eds.), Digitalisierung und Zivilverfahren, 734–752, DeGruyter.
Venkze, Ingo/Günther, Philipp (2022). 'International Investment Protection Made in Germany? On the Domestic and Foreign Policy Dynamics behind the First BITs', European Journal of International Law, Volume 33, Issue 4, 1183–1207.
Günther, Philipp/Ekardt, Felix (2022). 'Human Rights and Large‐Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potential Limits to BECCS and DACCS Deployment', Land, Volume 11, Issue 12, 2153, 1–30.
Venkze, Ingo/Günther, Philipp (2022). 'Kontinuität und Wandel im völkerrechtlichen Investitionsschutz: Eine Analyse anhand des ersten BIT zwischen Deutschland und Pakistan (1959)', in: Dann, Philipp/Feichtner, Isabel/von Bernstorff, Jochen (eds.), (Post)Koloniale Rechtswissenschaft, 465–496, Mohr Siebeck.
Wrase, Michael/Behr, Johanna/Günther, Philipp/Mobers, Lena/Thies, Leonie (2022). 'Zugang zum Recht in Berlin. Zwischenbericht explorative Phase', WZB Discussion Paper, P 2022-004.
Venkze, Ingo/Günther, Philipp (2022). 'Völkerrechtlicher Investitionsschutz made in Germany? Zur Genese und Gestalt des ersten BIT zwischen Deutschland und Pakistan (1959)'. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht / Heidelberg Journal of International Law, Volume 82, Issue 1, 73–120.
Günther, Philipp (2022). Book review: 'Carsten Stahn, Justice as Message: Expressivist Foundations of International Criminal Justice'. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, Volume 42, Issue 1, 128–133.
Wrase, Michael/Behr, Johanna/Günther, Philipp/Mobers, Lena/Stegemann, Tim/Thies, Leonie (2021). 'Zugang zum Recht in Berlin'. VOTUM, Nr. 4, 3–8.
Günther, Philipp (2020). 'Groupthink Bias in International Adjudication'. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Volume 11, Issue 1, 91–126.