Prof. Dr. Sebastian Botzem

Portrait Foto Prof. Dr. Sebastian Botzem (photo: david ausserhofer)
photo: david ausserhofer


Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin

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David Ausserhofer

Research fields

Cross-border standardization in financial reporting | Transnational governance and the regulation of financial markets | Organization theory and International Political Economy


since February 2014 Professor at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen, Head of the Research Group "Transnational political ordering in global finance"

06 2011- 01 2014 Research fellow, project group "Modes of Economic Governance"

11 2008 Ph.D., Thesis title: “Standards of Globalization – Cross-border Regulation in Financial Reporting as Path Creation”

04 2008 - 03 2011 Research fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, department “Internationalization and Organization”, project area: Transnational Networks and Regulation 04 2005 - 03 2008 Doctoral Program „Research on Organizational Paths“, Freie Universität Berlin, PhD Scholarship (German Research Foundation) 05 2007 - 06 2007 Visiting research fellow at the Saïd Business School, Oxford University, UK 03 2006 - 05 2006 Visiting research fellow at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden 02 2002 - 03 2005 Research fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, department “Internationalization and Organization” (formerly “Organization and Employment”) 11 2001 Diploma in Political Science, Otto-Suhr-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

Selected Publications

Botzem, Sebastian/Dobusch, Leonhard (2012): "Dienstleister der Finanzialisierung. Fragmentierte Organisation und kalkulierte Profite in der Immobilienwirtschaft". In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 64, H. 4, S. 673–700.
Botzem, Sebastian/Dobusch, Leonhard (2012): "Standardization Cycles. A Process Perspective on the Formation and Diffusion of Transnational Standards". In: Organization Studies, Vol. 33, No. 5-6, Special Issue "The Dynamics of Standardization", guest edited by Nils Brunsson/Andreas Rasche/David Seidl, S. 737-762.
Botzem, Sebastian (2012): The Politics of Accounting Regulation. Organizing Transnational Standard Setting in Financial Reporting. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, X, 223 S.
Botzem, Sebastian (2010): Standards der Globalisierung. Die grenzüberschreitende Regulierung der Unternehmensrechnungslegung als Pfadgestaltung. Dissertationen Online. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 250 S.
Botzem, Sebastian/Hofmann, Jeanette (2010): "Transnational Governance Spirals. The Transformation of Rule-Making Authority in Internet Regulation and Corporate Financial Reporting". In: Critical Policy Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, S. 18-37.
Botzem, Sebastian/Quack, Sigrid (2009): "(No) Limits to Anglo-American Accounting? Reconstructing the History of the International Accounting Standards Committee - A Review Article". In: Accounting, organizations and society, Vol. 34, No. 8, S. 988-998.
Botzem, Sebastian (2008): "Transnational Expert-Driven Standardisation. Accountancy Governance from a Professional Point of View". In: Jean-Christophe Graz/Andreas Nölke (Eds.): Transnational Private Governance and its Limits. London/New York, NY: Routledge, S. 44-57.