Susanne Hartung
Research fields
06 2010- 05 2012 Research Fellow (Prof. Rolf Rosenbrock), Research Group Public Health, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB); Research project “Participation and Health” since 10 2008 PhD Fellow, Graduate School Public Health at the University of Bielefeld 07 2008 – 12 2009 Research Fellow (Prof. Klaus Hurrelmann), Working group 4 “Health Promotion and Prevention“, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bielefeld, Research Project “Evaluation of education programmes for parents“ 07 2004 – 06 2008 Research Fellow (Prof. Bernhard Badura), Working group 1 “Social epidemiology and Health System“, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bielefeld Master European Labour Studies, University of Bremen and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Diplom of Sociology, Technische Universität Dresden
Selected Publications
Hartung, Susanne (2009): Förderung von Sozialkapital als Präventionsmaßnahme? Einige theoretisch-normative Implikationen. In: Uwe Bittlingmayer/Diana Sahrai/Peter-Ernst Schnabel (eds.), Normativität und Public Health. Dimensionen gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 211-234.
Participation and Health
Dissertation project “Social capital of parents. Empirical study about social capital and its benefit for Health promotion”