Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso
Research Fellow of the completed Research Professorship & Project
Research fields
Competition, State, and Corporate Governance
1997 – 2002 Ph.D. Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
1991 – 1996 Laurea in economia, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice
since 2011 Professor, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
2004 – 2011 Assistant Professor, Humboldt-University Berlin Research Fellow, WZB
2003 – 2004 Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
2002 – 2003 Research Fellow, Humboldt-University Berlin
1998 – 2001 Junior Research Fellow, WZB
Selected Publications
Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): "Learning Dynamics in Research Alliances. A Panel Data Analysis". In: Research Policy, Vol. 39, No. 6, S. 776-789.
Duso, Tomaso/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): "The Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications Liberalization. Evidence from the OECD Countries". In: Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, S. 199-216.
Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Burcin, Yurtoglu (2010): "Is the Event Study Methodology Useful for Merger Analysis? A Comparison of Stock Market and Accounting Data". In: International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 30, No. 2, S. 186-192.
Clougherty, Joseph/Duso, Tomaso (2009): "The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals. Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger". In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 46, No. 8, S. 1365-1395.
Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): Competition Policy and Productivity Growth. An Empirical Assessment. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-12. Berlin: WZB.
Duso, Tomaso/Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): "The Political Economy of European Merger Control. Evidence Using Stock Market Data". In: The Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 50, No. 3, S. 455-489.