Press release

Transparency International to receive A.SK Social Science Award 2011

Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) honors anti-corruption organization

The non-governmental organization Transparency International is the recipient of the 2011 A.SK Social Science Award. The award has been bestowed every other year since 2007 by the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) in recognition of work towards political or social reform. This year, the international jury honors Transparency International for its efforts in the fight against corruption. The award ceremony will be held on November 19, 2011 in Berlin’s Town Hall (Rotes Rathaus).

The A.SK Prize committee stated: “Through its combination of newly developed analytical tools like the Corruption Perceptions Index with straight-forward policy recommendations, Transparency International has not only initiated a broad academic and public discourse on corruption and policy transparency but also various reform processes in order to establish more transparent and more accountable state regimes.”

Transparency International was founded in 1993 and today consists of over 90 national chapters which operate in their respective countries, working with other civil society groups, public institutions and the private sector. The Berlin-based international secretariat supports the work of the national chapters and leads on a number of cross-border initiatives. Transparency International works worldwide with international organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations, the OECD, the World Bank, regional development banks, and the International Chamber of Commerce.

The 100,000 Euro A.SK Social Science Award is one of the best-endowed awards in the social sciences. The endowment capital has been donated by the Chinese entrepreneurs Angela and Shu Kai Chan. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to social and political reform. The previous prize winners have been the British economist Sir Anthony Atkinson
(2007) and the American law and philosophy professor Martha C. Nussbaum (2009).

At the award ceremony on November 19, 2011, three junior social science researchers will also be honored for their academic work with A.SK research fellowships.

More about A.SK Award

Press contact
Dr. Paul Stoop (WZB)
Referat Information und Kommunikation
fon: 030 254 91 509
paul.stoop [at]

Jesse Garcia (Transparency International)
fon: 030 – 3438 20690
jgarcia [at]